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APM Documents
- Best Predictive Generalized Linear Mixed Model with Predictive Lasso for High-Speed Network Data
Analysis, International Journal of Statistics and Probability, Vol. 4, No. 2, p132-148,
doi:10.5539/ijsp.v4n2p132, ISSN 1927-7032, E-ISSN 1927-7040, 2015. (PDF, Related slides)
- Network Bandwidth Utilization Forecast Model on High Bandwidth Networks, ICNC 2015 (PDF, Slides),
LBNL-6677E 2014. PDF
- Efficient Changing Pattern Detection on High Bandwidth Network Measurements, GDC 2014 (PDF).
- Edge-to-Edge Achieved Transfer Throughput Inference Using Link Utilization Counts, Evolving Internet
2014. (PDF)
- Relational Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Locally Exchangeable Measures, LBNL-6341E. (PDF)
- Best Predictive GLMM using LASSO with Application on High-Speed Network, LBNL-6327E. (PDF)
- Estimating and Forecasting Network Traffic Performance based on Statistical Patterns Observed in
SNMP data, MLDM2013. (PDF)
- What SNMP data can tell us about Edge-to-Edge network performance, PAM2013 poster. (PDF)
Project yearly reports
Other documents
- DATA REDUCTION METHODS, SYSTEMS, AND DEVICES, U.S. Patent Application, serial no. 14/555,365, filed on 11/26/2014.
- An Efficient Data Reduction Method with Locally Exchangeable Measures, U.S. Provisional Patent
Application, serial no. 61/909,518, filed on 11/27/2013.
Contributed publications
- SecureCore: A Multicore-based Intrusion Detection Architecture for Real-Time Embedded Systems.
RTAS'13 paper (PDF)
Prototype demo