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Climate 100 Documents
- ESG Use Cases and Expectations from 100-Gbps System (PDF)
- ESG Climate100 Data Transfer over 100G - high level view (PDF)
- Performance observation notes on NERSC Data Transfer Nodes (PDF) (Test Script)
- Supercomputing 2009 Bandwidth Challenge report - ESG's perspective (PDF)
SC'09, 12/31/2009
- Climate100: Scaling the Earth System Grid to 100Gbps Networks (PDF)
ANI and Magellan Launch (Wave Mariners) Meeting, 11/18/2009
Related Publications and Presentations
- MemzNet: Memory-Mapped Zero-copy Network Channel for Moving Large Datasets over 100Gbps
Networks, Poster presentation in ACM/IEEE international Conference For High Performance
Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2012 (SC'12)
- Streaming exa-scale data over 100Gbps networks, IEEE Computing Now Magazine, Oct 8, 2012
- Experiences with 100Gbps Network Applications, The Fifth International Workshop on Data Intensive
Distributed Computing (DIDC 2012), June 2012, (Paper)
- Climate100: Scaling Climate Applications to 100Gbps Networks - AGU Town Hall Meeting, 2011 (Slide PDF)
- Data Movement over 100Gbps - Preliminary Results from SC'11 100Gbps Demo (Slide PDF)
- Scaling the Earth System Grid to 100Gbps networks - Supercomputing 2011, 100Gbps demo (Slide
- Finding Tropical Cyclones on a Cloud Computing Cluster: Using Parallel Virtualization for Large-Scale
Climate Simulation Analysis (PDF, SlidePDF)
12/1/2010 at 2nd IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom2010)
- Finding Tropical Cyclones on Clouds (AbstractPDF, PosterPDF)
11/16/2010 at Supercomputing 2010 (SC10)
Won Third place in ACM Student Research Poster Competition
- Adaptive Transfer Adjustment in Efficient Bulk Data Transfer Management for Climate Dataset (PDF,
11/9/2010 at IASTED International Conferences Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
- ESG and Cloud Computing with an Experience from Exploring Cloud for Parallelizing Tropical Storm
Tracking (SlidePDF)
10/19/2010 at Expedition Workshop
- Efficient Bulk Data Replication for the Earth System Grid (PDF, SlidePDF)
3/2010 at Int'l Symposium on Grid Computing 2010 (ISGC2010)