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Alex Sim,SDM, SDD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory   510-495-2290   

  1. Integration of the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) with NERSC HPSS module, LLNL, 11/2017-10/2018
  2. AMASE: Architecture and Management for Autonomic Science Ecosystems, DOE ASCR, Smart High-Performance Computing and Communications Systems Program, 9/2017-8/2021
  3. IDEALEM, Novel Data Reduction Based on Statistical Similarity, LBNL LDRD, CS Innovation Project, 10/2015-9/2016
  4. Developing ESGF module for NERSC HPSS, LLNL, 10/2015-3/2016
  5. Scientific Data Management Research in the Exascale Era, DOE ASCR Base research, 7/2015-6/2018
  6. Scalable Analysis Methods and In Situ Infrastructure for Extreme Scale Knowledge Discovery, DOE ASCR, 10/2014-9/2017
  7. International Collaboration Framework for Extreme Scale Experiments (ICEE), DOE ASCR Scientific Collaborations at Extreme-Scale, 10/2012-9/2015
  8. Attribute-based Unified Data Access Service, KISTI, Collaborative research, 4/2012-9/2012
  9. Partner Development of Earth System Grid Federation, Subcontract from PCMDI/LLNL for DOE BER, 3/2012-2/2014
  10. Advanced Performance Modeling with combined passive and active monitoring, DOE ASCR Terabit Networking Research, 10/2011-9/2014
  11. Policy-driven Large Scale Data Access Framework, NSF Collaborative Research SDCI Net, 9/2011-1/2015
  12. Exploration of adaptive network transfer for 100Gbps networks, DOE ASCR base research, 4/2011-9/2012
  13. Climate100: Scaling the Earth System Grid to 100 Gbps Networks, DOE ASCR ARRA/ANI, 10/2009-3/2011
Projects activities
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  1. CS ESnet Program - Data Strategy, DOE, Office of Science, 1/2019-present
  2. ExaLearn: Codesign Center for Exascale Machine Learning Technologies, DOE ASCR, 9/2018-8/2022
  3. Scientific Data Management Research in the Exascale Era, DOE ASCR, 10/2018-9/2021
  4. RAPIDS: a SciDAC Institute for Resource and Application Productivity through computation, Information, and Data Science, DOE ASCR, 9/2017-9/2020
  5. SENSE: SDN for End-to-end Networked Science at the Exascale, DOE, ASCR, 10/2015-3/2019
  6. AMASE: Architecture and Management for Autonomic Science Ecosystems, DOE ASCR, 9/2017-8/2021
  7. ExaFEL: Data Analytics at the Exascale for Free Electron Lasers, DOE ASCR, 10/2017-9/2018
  8. ExaHDF5: Exascale Computing Project, IO optimization, DOE ASCR, 1/2017-12/2019
  9. Open Framework for High-Performance Streaming Analytics, LBNL LDRD, 10/2015-9/2018
  10. Developing ESGF module for NERSC HPSS, LLNL, 10/2015-3/2016
  11. Behavior Analytics, LBNL LDRD, 6/2015-5/2016
  12. SENSEI: Scalable Analysis Methods and In Situ Infrastructure for Extreme Scale Knowledge Discovery (SENSEI), DOE ASCR Scientific Data Management, Analysis and Visualization at Extreme Scale, 10/2014-9/2017
  13. X-SWAP: Extreme-Scale Scientific Workflow Analysis and Prediction, DOE ASCR Next Generation Networking Program, Analytical Modeling for Extreme-Scale Computing Environments, 10/2014-9/2017
  14. ICEE: International Collaboration Framework for Extreme Scale Experiments, DOE ASCR Scientific Collaborations at Extreme-Scale, 10/2012-9/2015
  15. Attribute-based Unified Data Access Service, KISTI collaborative research, 4/2012-9/2012
  16. Partner Development of Earth System Grid Federation, DOE PCMDI/LLNL collaboration, 3/2012-2/2014
  17. APM: Advanced Performance Modeling with Combined Passive and Active Monitoring, DOE Terabit Networking Research, 10/2011-9/2014
  18. ADAPT: Adaptive Data Access and Policy-driven Transfers, NSF OCI SDCI Net, 8/2011-7/2014
  19. Climate100: Scaling the Earth System Grid to 100 Gbps Networks, DOE Advanced Networking Initiative (ANI), 9/2009-9/2012
  20. StorNet: End-To-End Resource Provisioning and Management for Automated Data Transfer, DOE network research, 8/2009-9/2011
  21. Storage Resource Manager (SRM), DOE base research program, 4/2007-9/2011
  22. Open Science Grid: BeStMan, SRM-Tester, DOE SciDAC-2, 9/2006-12/2011
  23. Scaling the Earth System Grid to Petascale Data, DOE SciDAC-2, 9/2006-9/2011
  24. Open Science Grid: DRM deployment activity group, DOE/NSF, 6/2004–8/2008
  25. OASIS: WSRF, 6/2005-4/2007
  26. Storage Resource Management for Data Intensive Grid Applications, DOE National Collaboratories Middleware Technology project, 7/2001-9/2006
  27. Particle Physics Data Grid, DOE SciDAC, 7/2001-9/2006
  28. Earth Systems Grid II, DOE SciDAC, 4/2001-9/2006
  29. Scientific Data Management, DOE SciDAC, 7/2001-9/2006
  30. Earth Systems Grid, DOE Next Generation Internet, 7/1999-3/2001
  31. Particle Physics Data Grid, DOE Next Generation Internet, 6/1999-06/2001
  32. High Energy and Nuclear Physics Grand Challenge, DOE, 10/1997-03/2001
  33. 3-D geometric modeling and visualization for computational fluid dynamics, DOE, 7/1997-10/1997
  34. Machine Vision Inspection and Classification System, USDA, 3/1994-8/1995
Verifia, Inc. (formerly NetGeo, Inc)
  1. Geographic location search DB based on IP addresses, 3/2000-07/2000
IVision Corp
  1. Automated vision tracking system, 10/1996-11/1998
Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. 8/1995-6/1997
  1. Automatic Design of Steel Manufacturing Processes
  2. Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for Long-Range Acoustic Detection of Submarines
  3. Parts Obsolescence Prediction
  4. Portable General Naval Tactics Representation System
  5. Intelligent Tutoring System for AEGIS Total Ship Survivability Team Training
  6. Piloted Approach Decision Aid Logic System
  7. Intelligent Training System for a Dismounted Infantry Virtual Reality Environment
  8. Environmental Knowledge Base System
