Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- gainReadAccess()
: ibis::part
- gainWriteAccess()
: ibis::part
- gatherSortKeys()
: ibis::part
: ibis::index
- genName()
: ibis::part
- get1DBins()
: ibis::part
- get1DBins_()
: ibis::part
- get1DDistribution()
: ibis::part
- get2DBins()
: ibis::part
- get2DDistribution()
: ibis::part
- get2DDistributionA()
: ibis::part
- get2DDistributionI()
: ibis::part
- get2DDistributionU()
: ibis::part
- get3DBins()
: ibis::part
- get3DDistribution()
: ibis::part
- get3DDistributionA()
: ibis::part
- get3DDistributionA1()
: ibis::part
- get3DDistributionA2()
: ibis::part
- get_logfile()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_message_level()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_qualified_bytes()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_qualified_doubles()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_qualified_floats()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_qualified_ints()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_qualified_longs()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_qualified_shorts()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_result_row_ids()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- get_result_size()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit
- getActualMax()
: ibis::blob
, ibis::column
, ibis::part
- getActualMin()
: ibis::blob
, ibis::column
, ibis::part
- getAggregator()
: ibis::selectClause
- getAliases()
: ibis::selectClause
- getArray()
: ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colBytes
, ibis::colDoubles
, ibis::colFloats
, ibis::colInts
, ibis::colLongs
, ibis::colShorts
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::colUBytes
, ibis::colUInts
, ibis::colULongs
, ibis::colUShorts
, ibis::colValues
- getASCIIDictionary()
: ibis::tablex
, ibis::tafel
- getBit()
: ibis::bitvector64
, ibis::bitvector
- getBitvector()
: ibis::index
- getBlob()
: ibis::blob
- getBounds()
: ibis::query
- getCandidateRows()
: ibis::query
- getCandidateVector()
: ibis::query
- getCandVector()
: ibis::countQuery
- getColumn()
: ibis::part
- getColumnAsByte()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsBytes()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsDouble()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsDoubles()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsFloat()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsFloats()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsInt()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsInts()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsLong()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsLongs()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsOpaque()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsOpaques()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsShort()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsShorts()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsString()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsStrings()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsUByte()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsUBytes()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsUInt()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsUInts()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsULong()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsULongs()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnAsUShort()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getColumnAsUShorts()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnMax()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumnMin()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getColumns()
: ibis::tafel
- getColumnSum()
: ibis::part
- getConjunctiveTerms()
: ibis::qExpr
- getCumulativeDistribution()
: ibis::bin
, ibis::column
, ibis::direkte
, ibis::index
, ibis::part
, ibis::relic
- getCurrentRowNumber()
: ibis::bord::cursor
, ibis::mensa::cursor
, ibis::tabele::cursor
, ibis::table::cursor
, ibis::tabula::cursor
- getDictionary()
: ibis::bord::column
, ibis::category
, ibis::column
- getDistribution()
: ibis::bin
, ibis::column
, ibis::direkte
, ibis::index
, ibis::part
, ibis::relic
- getDouble()
: ibis::bundle1
, ibis::bundle
, ibis::bundles
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::query::result
- getDoubleArray()
: ibis::column
- getExpandedHits()
: ibis::query
- getExpr()
: ibis::whereClause
- getFile()
: ibis::fileManager
- getFileSegment()
: ibis::fileManager
- getFloat()
: ibis::bundle1
, ibis::bundle
, ibis::bundles
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::query::result
- getFloatArray()
: ibis::column
- getGroup()
: ibis::resource
- getGroupbyKeys()
: ibis::selectClause
- getHandle()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitStringReader
, gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitStringWriter
- getHistogram()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getHistogram2D()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getHistogram3D()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- getHitRows()
: ibis::countQuery
, ibis::query
- getHitsAsBlocks()
: ibis::meshQuery
- getHitsAsLines()
: ibis::meshQuery
- getHitVector()
: ibis::countQuery
, ibis::query
- getInfo()
: ibis::part
- getInt()
: ibis::bundle1
, ibis::bundle
, ibis::bundles
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::query::result
- getIntArray()
: ibis::column
- getJoinCondition()
: ibis::fromClause
- getJointDistribution()
: ibis::part
- getKey()
: ibis::category
- getLastError()
: ibis::query
- getLeft()
: ibis::qExpr
- getLong()
: ibis::bundle1
, ibis::bundle
, ibis::bundles
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::query::result
- getMaskRef()
: ibis::part
- getMax()
: ibis::bin
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::direkte
, ibis::index
, ibis::keywords
, ibis::range
, ibis::relic
- getMaxMmapBytes()
: ibis::fileManager
- getMaxNumHits()
: ibis::countQuery
, ibis::query
- getMaxOpenMmapFiles()
: ibis::fileManager
- getMeshDimensions()
: ibis::part
- getMeshShape()
: ibis::part
- getMetaTag()
: ibis::part
- getMin()
: ibis::bin
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::direkte
, ibis::index
, ibis::keywords
, ibis::relic
- getMinNumHits()
: ibis::countQuery
, ibis::query
- getNames()
: ibis::fromClause
- getNRows()
: ibis::index
- getNullMask()
: ibis::column
, ibis::part::barrel
, ibis::part
- getNumber()
: ibis::resource
- getNumHits()
: ibis::countQuery
, ibis::query
- getNumKeys()
: ibis::category
- getOpaque()
: ibis::blob
, ibis::column
, ibis::text
- getOrdered()
: ibis::selectClause
- getPartition()
: ibis::countQuery
- getPartitionMax()
: ibis::tablex
- getPartitions()
: ibis::mensa
, ibis::table
- getPointsOnBoundary()
: ibis::meshQuery
- getPrefix()
: ibis::resource
- getQualifiedBytes()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedDoubles()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedFloats()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedInts()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedLongs()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedShorts()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedStrings()
: gov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitStringReader
, ibis::query
- getQualifiedUBytes()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedUInts()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedULongs()
: ibis::query
- getQualifiedUShorts()
: ibis::query
- getRawData()
: ibis::bord::column
, ibis::column
- getRIDs()
: ibis::bundle
, ibis::part
, ibis::query
- getRIDsInBundle()
: ibis::query
- getRight()
: ibis::qExpr
- getRowNumber()
: ibis::part
- getSelectClause()
: ibis::countQuery
, ibis::query
- getSerialSize()
: ibis::ambit
, ibis::bin
, ibis::bitvector64
, ibis::bitvector
, ibis::bylt
, ibis::direkte
, ibis::egale
, ibis::fade
, ibis::fuge
, ibis::fuzz
, ibis::index
, ibis::keywords
, ibis::mesa
, ibis::pack
, ibis::pale
, ibis::range
, ibis::relic
, ibis::skive
, ibis::zona
, ibis::zone
- getStarts()
: ibis::bundle
- getState()
: ibis::part
, ibis::query
- getStateNoLocking()
: ibis::part
- getStorage()
: ibis::array_t< T >
- getString()
: ibis::bord::column
, ibis::bundle1
, ibis::bundle
, ibis::bundles
, ibis::category
, ibis::column
, ibis::fromClause
, ibis::query::result
, ibis::selectClause
, ibis::text
, ibis::whereClause
- getSum()
: ibis::ambit
, ibis::bin
, ibis::blob
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::column
, ibis::direkte
, ibis::egale
, ibis::entre
, ibis::fade
, ibis::index
, ibis::keywords
, ibis::mesa
, ibis::moins
, ibis::pack
, ibis::range
, ibis::relic
, ibis::skive
- getTableNames()
: ibis::compRange
, ibis::math::variable
, ibis::qAllWords
, ibis::qAnyAny
, ibis::qAnyString
, ibis::qExpr
, ibis::qKeyword
, ibis::qLike
, ibis::qRange
, ibis::qString
- getTerms()
: ibis::selectClause
- getType()
: ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colBytes
, ibis::colDoubles
, ibis::colFloats
, ibis::colInts
, ibis::colLongs
, ibis::colShorts
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::colUBytes
, ibis::colUInts
, ibis::colULongs
, ibis::colUShorts
, ibis::colValues
, ibis::qExpr
- getUInt()
: ibis::bundle1
, ibis::bundle
, ibis::bundles
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::query::result
- getULong()
: ibis::bundle1
, ibis::bundle
, ibis::bundles
, ibis::colBlobs
, ibis::colStrings
, ibis::query::result
- getUndecidable()
: ibis::column
, ibis::part
- getUserRIDs()
: ibis::query
- getValue()
: ibis::math::barrel
, ibis::resource
- getValues()
: ibis::qDiscreteRange
, ibis::qIntHod
, ibis::qUIntHod
- getValuesArray()
: ibis::blob
, ibis::bord::column
, ibis::column
- getWhereClause()
: ibis::countQuery
, ibis::query
- gList
: ibis::resource
- grain()
: ibis::bak2::grain
- granule()
: ibis::bin::granule
- groupby()
: ibis::bord
, ibis::mensa
, ibis::tabele
, ibis::table
, ibis::tabula
- groupbya()
: ibis::bord
- groupbyc()
: ibis::bord
- guardBase()
: ibis::util::guardBase
- guardImpl0()
: ibis::util::guardImpl0< F >
- guardImpl1()
: ibis::util::guardImpl1< F, A >
- guardImpl2()
: ibis::util::guardImpl2< F, A1, A2 >
- guardObj0()
: ibis::util::guardObj0< C, F >