Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cibis::array_t< char * >
 Cibis::array_t< const char * >
 Cibis::array_t< double >
 Cibis::array_t< float >
 Cibis::array_t< ibis::bitvector * >
 Cibis::array_t< ibis::ibis::bitvector * >
 Cibis::array_t< int16_t >
 Cibis::array_t< int32_t >
 Cibis::array_t< int64_t >
 Cibis::array_t< rid_t >
 Cibis::array_t< signed char >
 Cibis::array_t< uint16_t >
 Cibis::array_t< uint32_t >
 Cibis::array_t< uint64_t >
 Cibis::array_t< unsigned char >
 Cibis::array_t< word_t >
 Cgov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitA facade for accessing some FastBit functions from java
 Cgov.lbl.fastbit.FastBit.QueryHandleAn auxiliary class to hold handles to query objects
 Cgov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitStringReaderJava StringReader for FastBit
 Cgov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitStringReader.ReadHandleAn auxiliary thread-safe class to hold file locks and buffers
 Cgov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitStringWriterJava StringWriter for FastBit
 Cgov.lbl.fastbit.FastBitStringWriter.WriteHandleAn auxiliary thread-safe class to hold file locks and buffers
 Cibis::array_t< T >Template array_t is a replacement of std::vector
 Cibis::bak2::grainA simple structure to record the position of the values mapped to the same low-precision target value
 Cibis::bin::comparevalpos< T >The comparator used to build a min-heap based on positions
 Cibis::bin::granuleA data structure to assist the mapping of values to lower precisions
 Cibis::bin::valpos< T >A list of values and their positions
 Cibis::bitvectorA data structure to represent a sequence of bits
 Cibis::bitvector64A data structure to represent a sequence of bits
 Cibis::bitvector64::const_iteratorThe const_iterator class. It iterates on the individual bits
 Cibis::bitvector64::indexSetThe indexSet stores positions of bits that are one
 Cibis::bitvector64::iteratorThe iterator that allows modification of bits
 Cibis::bitvector::const_iteratorThe const_iterator class. It iterates on the individual bits
 Cibis::bitvector::indexSetThe indexSet stores positions of bits that are one
 Cibis::bitvector::iteratorThe iterator that allows modification of bits
 Cibis::bitvector::pitIterate over the positive positions one at a time
 Cibis::bundleThe public interface of bundles
 Cibis::columnThe class to represent a column of a data partition
 Cibis::column::indexLockA class for controlling access of the index object of a column
 Cibis::column::infoSome basic information about a column
 Cibis::column::mutexLockProvide a mutual exclusion lock on an ibis::column
 Cibis::column::readLockProvide a write lock on a ibis::column object
 Cibis::column::softWriteLockProvide a write lock on a ibis::column object
 Cibis::column::unixTimeScribeA functor for formatting unix time using the user supplied format
 Cibis::column::writeLockProvide a write lock on a ibis::column object
 Cibis::colValuesA pure virtual base class for storing selected values in memory
 Cibis::countQueryA simple count query
 Cibis::dictionaryProvide a dual-directional mapping between strings and integers
 Cibis::discretePoissonDiscrete random number with Poisson distribution exp(-x/lambda)
 Cibis::discretePoisson1Specialized version of the Poisson distribution exp(-x)
 Cibis::discreteZipfDiscrete Zipf distribution
 Cibis::discreteZipf1A specialized case of the Zipf distribution f(x) = 1/(1+x)
 Cibis::discreteZipf2A specialized version of the Zipf distribution f(x) = 1/(1+x)^2
 Cibis::fileManagerThis fileManager is intended to allow different objects to share the same open file
 Cibis::fileManager::buffer< T >A buffer is intended to be a temporary workspace in memory
 Cibis::fileManager::cleanerA function object to be used to register external cleaners
 Cibis::fileManager::storageTreats all memory as char*
 Cibis::fromClauseA class to represent the from clause
 Cibis::horometerHorometer – a primitive timing instrument
 Cibis::hyperslabClass ibis::hyperslab for recording a HDF5 style hyperslab
 Cibis::indexThe base index class
 Cibis::index::bitmapReaderA simple container to hold the function pointer given by user for reading the serialized bitmaps
 Cibis::joinAn abstract join interface
 Cibis::math::barrelA barrel to hold a list of variables
 Cibis::math::func1Pure virtual base function for 1-argument functions
 Cibis::math::sfunc1Pure virtual base function for 1-argument functions
 Cibis::mensa::cursor::bufferElementA buffer element is a minimal data structure to store a column in memory
 Cibis::nameListA data structure to store a small set of names
 Cibis::partThe class ibis::part represents a partition of a relational table
 Cibis::part::indexBuilderPoolA struct to pack arguments to the function ibis_part_build_index
 Cibis::part::infoA simple class to describe an ibis::part object
 Cibis::part::mutexLockProvide a mutual exclusion lock on an ibis::part object
 Cibis::part::readLockProvide a read lock on an ibis::part
 Cibis::part::softWriteLockAn non-blocking version of writeLock
 Cibis::part::thrArgA struct to pack the arguments to function startTests
 Cibis::part::writeLockProvide a write lock on an ibis::part
 Cibis::qExprThe top level query expression object
 Cibis::qExpr::TTNA data structure including a query expression and the list of table names mentioned in the expression
 Cibis::qExpr::weightA functor to be used by the function reorder
 Cibis::quaereAn abstract query interface
 Cibis::queryA data structure for representing user queries
 Cibis::query::readLockA read lock on a query object
 Cibis::query::resultThe class ibis::query::result allows user to retrieve query result one row at a time
 Cibis::query::writeLockA write lock on a query object
 Cibis::randomGaussianContinuous Gaussian distribution
 Cibis::randomPoissonContinuous Poisson distribution
 Cibis::randomZipfContinuous Zipf distribution
 Cibis::relic::comparevalpos< T >The comparator used to build a min-heap based on positions
 Cibis::relic::mappedValues< T >A struct to hold a set of values and their positions
 Cibis::relic::valpos< T >A single value with known positions
 Cibis::resourceA container for name-value pairs
 Cibis::ridHandlerA class for handling file IO for ibis::rid_t
 Cibis::rosterA roster is a list of values in ascending order plus their original positions
 Cibis::selectClauseA class to represent the select clause
 Cibis::tableThe abstract table class
 Cibis::table::cursorCursor class for row-wise data accesses
 Cibis::table::rowA simple struct for storing a row of a table
 Cibis::tableListA list of tables
 Cibis::tablexThe class for expandable tables
 Cibis::tafel::columnIn-memory version of a column
 Cibis::text::tokenizerA tokenizer class to turn a string buffer into tokens
 Cibis::uniformRandomNumberA functor to generate uniform random number in the range [0, 1)
 Cibis::util::counterA simple shared counter
 Cibis::util::flockA simple wrapper on flock
 Cibis::util::guardBaseA class hierarchy for cleaning up after durable resources
 Cibis::util::heap< T, C >A simple heap based on std::push_heap and std::pop_heap
 Cibis::util::ioLockA global I/O lock
 Cibis::util::loggerA class for logging messages
 Cibis::util::mutexLockAn wrapper class for perform pthread_mutex_lock/unlock
 Cibis::util::quietLockAn wrapper class for perform pthread_mutex_lock/unlock
 Cibis::util::readLockAn wrapper class for perform pthread_rwlock_rdlock/unlock
 Cibis::util::refHolder< T >A template to hold a reference to an object
 Cibis::util::sharedInt32A shared unsigned 32-bit integer class
 Cibis::util::sharedInt64A unsigned 64-bit shared integer class
 Cibis::util::softLockAn wrapper class for perform pthread_mutex_trylock/unlock
 Cibis::util::timerPrint simple timing information
 Cibis::util::writeLockAn wrapper class for perform pthread_rwlock_wrlock/unlock
 Cibis::whereClauseA representation of the where clause
 Cstd::equal_to< const char * >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::hash< const char * >
 Cstd::less< char * >
 Cstd::less< const char * >
 Cstd::less< const ibis::rid_t * >
 Cstd::less< ibis::rid_t >

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