uint32_t | _rotl32 (uint32_t x, int8_t r) |
uint64_t | _rotl64 (uint64_t x, int8_t r) |
void | ibis::util::clear (ibis::array_t< ibis::bitvector * > &bv) throw () |
| Clear an array of bit vectors.
void | ibis::util::clear (ibis::partList &pl) throw () |
| Deallocate the list of data partitions.
template<typename T > |
void | ibis::util::clearVec (std::vector< T * > &v) |
| A template to clean up a vector of pointers.
void | ibis::util::closeLogFile () |
| Close the log file. More...
int | ibis::util::copy (const char *to, const char *from) |
| Copy file named "from" to a file named "to". More...
void | ibis::util::emptyCache (void) |
| Attempt to remove all currently unused data from memory cache. More...
off_t | ibis::util::getFileSize (const char *name) |
| Return size of the file in bytes. More...
void | ibis::util::getGMTime (char *str) |
| Return the current GMT time in string format. More...
void | ibis::util::getLocalTime (char *str) |
| Return the current time in string format as asctime_r . More...
FILE * | ibis::util::getLogFile () |
| Retrieve the pointer to the log file. More...
const char * | ibis::util::getLogFileName () |
| Return name the of the current log file. More...
char * | ibis::util::getString (const char *buf) |
| Extract a string from the given buf. More...
const char * | ibis::util::getToken (char *&str, const char *tok_chrs) |
| Return a null-terminated string from the beginning of input string str. More...
int | ibis::util::getVersionNumber () |
| Return an integer designating the version of this software. More...
const char * | ibis::util::getVersionString () |
| Return a pointer to the string designating the version of this software. More...
ibis::resource & | ibis::gParameters () |
| List of in-memory data. More...
long | ibis::util::intersect (const std::vector< ibis::bitvector > &bits1, const std::vector< ibis::bitvector > &bits2, std::vector< ibis::bitvector > &res) |
| Intersect two sets of bit vectors. More...
long | ibis::util::intersect (const std::vector< ibis::bitvector > &bits1, const std::vector< ibis::bitvector > &bits2, const std::vector< ibis::bitvector > &bits3, std::vector< ibis::bitvector > &res) |
| Intersect three sets of bit vectors. More...
char * | ibis::util::itoa (int value, char *str, int) |
void | ibis::util::logMessage (const char *event, const char *fmt,...) |
| Print a message to standard output. More...
int | ibis::util::makeDir (const char *dir) |
| Recursivly create directory "dir". More...
template<typename F > |
guardImpl0< F > | ibis::util::makeGuard (F f) |
template<typename F , typename A > |
guardImpl1< F, A > | ibis::util::makeGuard (F f, A a) |
template<typename F , typename A1 , typename A2 > |
guardImpl2< F, A1, A2 > | ibis::util::makeGuard (F f, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
bool | ibis::util::nameMatch (const char *str, const char *pat) |
| Match the string str against a simple pattern pat without considering cases. More...
template<class C , typename F > |
guardObj0< C, F > | ibis::util::objectGuard (C o, F f) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ibis::rid_t &rid) |
| Print a rid_t to an output stream.
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, ibis::rid_t &rid) |
| Read a rid_t from an input stream.
const ibis::bitvector64 & | ibis::util::outerProduct (const ibis::bitvector &a, const ibis::bitvector &b, ibis::bitvector64 &c) |
| Compute the outer product of a and b , add the result to c . More...
const ibis::bitvector64 & | ibis::util::outerProductUpper (const ibis::bitvector &a, const ibis::bitvector &b, ibis::bitvector64 &c) |
| Add the strict upper triangular portion of the outer production between a and b to c . More...
double | ibis::util::rand () |
| A very simple pseudo-random number generator. More...
int64_t | ibis::util::read (int, void *, int64_t) |
| A wrapper over POSIX read function. More...
int | ibis::util::readDouble (double &val, const char *&str, const char *del=ibis::util::delimiters) |
| Attempt to convert the incoming string into a double. More...
int | ibis::util::readInt (int64_t &val, const char *&str, const char *del=ibis::util::delimiters) |
| Attempt to convert the incoming string into an integer. More...
int | ibis::util::readString (std::string &str, const char *&buf, const char *delim=0) |
| Copy the next string to the output variable str. More...
const char * | ibis::util::readString (char *&buf, const char *delim=0) |
| Attempt to extract a string token from the incoming buffer. More...
int | ibis::util::readUInt (uint64_t &val, const char *&str, const char *del=ibis::util::delimiters) |
| Attempt to convert the incoming string into a unsigned integer. More...
template<class T > |
refHolder< T > | ibis::util::ref (T &r) |
| A function template to produce refHolder.
void | ibis::util::removeDir (const char *name, bool leaveDir=false) |
| Remove the content of named directory. More...
void | ibis::util::removeTail (char *str, char tail) |
| Remove trailing character 'tail' from str.
void | ibis::util::secondsToString (const time_t, char *str) |
| Converts the given time in seconds (as returned by function time) into the string (as from asctime_r). More...
uint32_t | ibis::util::serialNumber () |
| Compute a serial number. More...
int | ibis::util::setLogFileName (const char *filename) |
| Change the current log file to the named file. More...
void | ibis::util::setVerboseLevel (int v) |
| Set the verboseness level. More...
bool | ibis::util::strMatch (const char *str, const char *pat) |
| Match the string str against a simple pattern pat . More...
char * | ibis::util::strnewdup (const char *s) |
| Duplicate string content with C++ default new operator. More...
char * | ibis::util::strnewdup (const char *s, const uint32_t n) |
| Duplicate no more than n characters.
char * | ibis::util::trim (char *str) |
| Remove leading and trailing blank space.
void | ibis::util::uniformFraction (const long unsigned idx, long unsigned &denominator, long unsigned &numerator) |
| Compute a denominator and numerator pair. More...
void | ibis::util::updateDatasets (void) |
| Update the metadata about the data partitions. More...
const char * | ibis::util::userName () |
| Return the user name. More...
int64_t | ibis::util::write (int, const void *, int64_t) |
| A wrapper over POSIX write function. More...
int | ibis::util::writeLogFileHeader (FILE *fptr, const char *fname) |
| Write a header to the log file. More...
uint32_t | ibis::util::checksum (const char *str, uint32_t sz) |
| Fletcher's arithmetic checksum with 32-bit result.
uint32_t | ibis::util::checksum (uint32_t a, uint32_t b) |
| Fletcher's checksum on two integers. Returns an integer.
std::string | ibis::util::shortName (const std::string &longname) |
| Use the Fletcher's checksum to produce a short string. More...
std::string | ibis::util::randName (const std::string &longname) |
| Generate a short string to be used as a table/partition name.
void | ibis::util::int2string (std::string &str, unsigned val) |
| Pack a 32-bit integer into six base-64 alphabets.
void | ibis::util::int2string (std::string &str, unsigned v1, unsigned v2) |
| Pack two 32-bit integers into 11 base-64 alphabets.
void | ibis::util::int2string (std::string &str, unsigned v1, unsigned v2, unsigned v3) |
| Pack three 32-bit integers into 16 base-64 alphabets.
void | ibis::util::int2string (std::string &str, const std::vector< unsigned > &val) |
| Convert the incoming numbers into a base-64 alpha-numeric representation. More...
void | ibis::util::encode64 (uint64_t, std::string &) |
| Turn the incoming integer into a 64-bit representation. More...
int | ibis::util::decode64 (uint64_t &, const std::string &) |
| Decode a number encoded using ibis::util::encode64.
int | ibis::util::decode16 (uint64_t &, const char *) |
| Convert a string of hexadecimal digits back to an integer. More...
std::string | ibis::util::groupby1000 (uint64_t) |
| Produce a string version of the unsigned integer value with the decimal digits grouped into 1000s. More...
double | ibis::util::incrDouble (const double &) |
| Functions to handle manipulation of floating-point numbers. More...
double | ibis::util::decrDouble (const double &) |
| Decrease the input value to the next smaller value. More...
void | ibis::util::eq2range (const double &, double &, double &) |
| Generate a range [left, right) that contains exactly the input value in. More...
double | ibis::util::coarsen (const double in, unsigned prec=2) |
| Reduce the decimal precision of the incoming floating-point value to specified precision. More...
double | ibis::util::compactValue (double left, double right, double start=0.0) |
| Compute a compact 64-bit floating-point value with a short decimal representation. More...
double | ibis::util::compactValue2 (double left, double right, double start=0.0) |
| Compute a compact 64-bit floating-point value with a short binary representation. More...
void | ibis::util::setNaN (double &val) |
| Set a double to NaN.
void | ibis::util::setNaN (float &val) |
| Functions to handle manipulation of floating-point numbers. More...
template<typename Tin , typename Tout > |
void | ibis::util::round_down (const Tin &inval, Tout &outval) |
| Round the incoming value to the largest output value that is no more than the input. More...
template<typename Tin , typename Tout > |
void | ibis::util::round_up (const Tin &inval, Tout &outval) |
| Round the incoming value to the smallest output value that is no less than the input. More...
template<typename Tin > |
void | ibis::util::round_up (const Tin &inval, float &) |
| A specialization of round_up for the output type float. More...
template<typename Tin > |
void | ibis::util::round_up (const Tin &inval, double &outval) |
| A specialization of round_up for the output in double.
int | ibis::util::log2 (uint32_t x) |
| Log_2 of a 32-bit integer.
int | ibis::util::log2 (uint64_t x) |
| Log_2 of a 64-bit integer.