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Tasks for BeStMan

(all figures following tasks show: (start month, length of task in months)

0 Planning and design of BeStMan new functionality (0, 1) - 9/2009

  1. Add to BeStMan persistent database to keep network reservation state (1, 6) - 10/2009 - 3/2010
  2. Provide network module to plug-in Projects/StorNet.TeraPaths (4, 2) - 12/2009 - 1/2010
  3. Develop module to register information in DB (6, 1) - 3/2010
  4. Develop module to find out available bandwidth based on current commitment and policies (6, 2) - 3/2010 - 4/2010
  5. Develop server and client web-service APIs to communicate with user on reservation request and outcome (8, 4) - 5/2010 - 8/2010
  6. Develop server and client web-service APIs source-BeStMan and target-!BeStMan to communicate for both "pull" and "push" modes (12, 4) - 9/2010 - 12/2010
  7. Setup BeStMan-TP in testbed BNL-Michigan (16, 2) - 1/2011 - 2/2011
  8. Run basic tests on testbed (18, 2) - 3/2011 - 4/2011
  9. Run scalability tests on testbed (20, 2) - 5/2011 - 6/2011
  10. Extend BeStMan for multi-transfer coordination (15, 6) 12/2010 - 6/2011
  11. Plan for LBNL setup: test between BNL to LBNL (18, 6) - 3/2011-8/2011