9/28/2005 SRM conf call Jlab: Brian, Michael, Chip CERN: Peter, Sebastian, Olof, FNAL: Timur RAL: Owen Rich LBNL: Arie, Alex * Decoration in op spec, functional spec to be as is with behaviour definition * decoration or XML document? -- suggestion to appear a function in many places (core and adv depending on the feature supported) -- avoid overloading return types -- unix ls for a file or dir : they are similar, but if output is drastically different, better to have a seperate them as different functions -- it needs to be documemnted in func. spec. Requirements documents will have which functions to be used -- func spec not to be overlapped with op spec? -- func spec needs to talk about parameters for the semantics behaviour. Op spec can repeat that. -- suggestion: func spec as is. after that, we'll take suggestions to where to put (reformat for each function depending on the supported adv features) breaking a function into different places. -- Try to disjoint as much as possible -- func spec to capture the concepts -- try to find the disjoint functions and put them in different places -- as long as parameters are orthogonal, then put them in the different places -- find cases that are sticky and go from there -- high level description doc is needed with important use cases: what data goes in, what comes out, --> analysis doc, not design doc --> requirement doc which does not name functions or no input details, no op behaviours -- XML message "schema" for in and out