Keynote and Plenary Presentations

  1. September 2015: Emerging Topics in Network Visualization, Graph Drawing 2015, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis).

  2. August 2015: Trends and Advanced Concepts for Scientific Visualization, China Scientific Data Conference, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis).

  3. August 2015: Creating a Software Ecosystem for Data Intensive Science, IEEE NAS, Boston, MA, Scott Klasky (ORNL).

  4. July 2015: Frontiers of Visualization Research, ChinaVis 2015, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis).

  5. June 2015: Plenary talk “Extreme Data Management, Analysis and Visualization: Exploiting Large Data for Science Discovery”, at XSEDE 15, St.Louis, MO, Valerio Pascucci (Utah).

  6. March 2015: Creating a Software Ecosystem for Data Intensive Science, Supercomputing Frontiers, Singapore, Scott Klasky (ORNL).

  7. March 2015: Implications of Numerical and Data Intensive Technology Trends on Scientific Visualization and Analysis, Plenary talk at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, James Ahrens (LANL).

  8. March 2015: Graph Data Analytics at Scale: Data Science Perspective, Plenary talk at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, Nagiza Samatova (NCSU).

  9. February 2015: Some Difficult Visualization Problems -- Big Science, Big Computer Systems, and Big Data, SPIE Visualization and Data Analysis Conference, San Francisco, Kenneth I. Joy (UCD)


  1. November 2015: Parallel I/O in Practice, SC 2015, Austin, TX, Rob Latham (ANL), Rob Ross, (ANL), Katie Antypas (LBNL), and Brent Welch (Google).

  2. November 2015: Data Management, Analysis and Visualization Tools for Data-Intensive Science, SC’15, Norbert Podhorszki (ORNL), Qing Gary Liu (ORNL), Scott Klasky (ORNL), George Ostrouchov (ORNL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Jong Choi (ORNL)

  3. November 2015: Effective HPC Visualization and Data Analysis using VisIt, Supercomputing 2015, Cyrus Harrison (LLNL), David Pugmire (ORNL), Robert Sisneros (NCSA), Amit Chourasia (SDSC), Hank Childs (Oregon)

  4. November 2015: Large Scale Visualization with ParaView, SC15, Kenneth Moreland (SNL), W. Alan Scott (SNL), David DeMarle (Kitware), Li-ta Lo (LANL), Joe Insley (SNL), Rich Cook (LLNL)

  5. November 2015: Getting Started with In Situ Analysis and Visualization Using ParaView Catalyst, Andrew Bauer (Kitware), David Rogers (LANL), Jeffrey Mauldin (SNL)

  6. October 2015: The ParaView Tutorial, IEEE Vis 2015, Kenneth Moreland (SNL), W. Alan Scott (SNL), David DeMarle (Kitware)

  7. September 2015: VTK-m Hackathon, LLNL, Berk Geveci (Kitware), Robert Maynard (Kitware), Sujin Phiilip (Kitware)

  8. September 2015: NVIDIA GPU Tutorial Workshop, Salt Lake City, hosts: Chuck Hansen and Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  9. August 2015: ParaView Tutorial, Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC), Dan Lipsa (Kitware)

  10. August 2015: HPC I/O for Computational Scientists, Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC), St. Charles, IL, Rob Latham (ANL) and Phil Carns (ANL).

  11. August 2015: Visualization and Analysis of Massive Data with VisIt, Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC) 2015, Cyrus Harrison (LLNL)

  12. August 2015: Visualization and Data Analysis Session, Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC) 2015, Michael E. Papka (ANL), Joseph A. Insley (ANL), Cyrus Harrison (LLNL), Dan Lipsa (Kitware)

  13. July 2015: An Introduction to HPC Storage and I/O, 2nd JLESC/PUF Summer School, Barcelona, Spain, Rob Ross (ANL) and Matthieu Dorier (ANL).

  14. July 2015, Scientific Data Workflows, ISC, Frankfurt Germany. Jong Choi (ORNL), David Pugmire (ORNL)

  15. July 2015: An Introduction to DataSpaces: An Extreme-Scale Data-Management Framework, XSEDE’15, St. Louis, MO, Melissa Romanus, Tong Jin, Manish Parashar

  16. June 2015: Visualization Applications, Hartree Summer School Series, Warrington UK, Dave Pugmire (ORNL)

  17. June 2015: Effective HPC Visualization & Data Analysis with VisIt, ISC'15, Eric Brugger (LLNL), Allen Sanderson (UUtah)

  18. June 2015: Advanced Topological Methods in Visualization, Hartree, Summer School on Visualization, organized by STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK, Valerio Pascucci (UUtah)

  19. June, 2015: Big Scientific Data Made Simple. A Hands-on Tutorial in Data Generation, Processing, and Delivery for High Performance Computing and High Resolution Imaging. KAUST, Saudi Arabia, Valerio Pascucci (UUtah), Peer-Timo Bremer (UUtah)

  20. June 2015: Data Management, Analysis & Visualization Tools for Data-Intensive Science, ISC'15, Norbert Podhorszki, Qing Liu, Scott Klasky, Dave Pugmire, George Ostrouchov

  21. January 2015 – May 2015: Visualization Online Course - High Performance Visualization for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis, National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) Blue Waters Virtual School, Instructor: Han-Wei Shen (OSU)

  22. January 2015: Big Data Challenges in Simulation-based Science, BigData 2015 – International Winter School on Big Data, Tarragona, Spain, Manish Parashar (Rutgers)

Conference and Workshop Chairs

  1. November 2015: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme Scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV) workshop Chair, SC15, Austin, TX, Wes Bethel (LBNL), Venkat Vishwanath (ANL)

  2. November 2015, In Situ Methods: Hype or Necessity? Panel Chair in SC15, Austin, TX, Wes Bethel (LBNL), Panel member Venkat Vishwanath (ANL).

  3. November 2015: Workshop Chair, Ultravis '15: The Tenth Workshop on Ultrascale Visualization, SC '15, Venkat Vishwanath (ANL)

  4. November 2015: organized 2nd Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis (VPA 2015), held in cooperation with Supercomputing 2015, Peer-Timo Bremer (Utah), Valerio Pascucci (Utah).

  5. October 2015: InfoVis 2015 Papers Chair, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis)

  6. October 2015: Program Paper Co-Chair, IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), Chicago, IL, Hank Childs (LBNL/UO)

  7. October 2015: Conference General Chair, IEEE VIS 2015, Michael E. Papka (ANL)

  8. October 2015: Symposium Chair, 5th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) 2015, IEEE Vis 2015, Venkat Vishwanath (ANL)

  9. October 2015: Co-Editor for a Special Issue of the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing on Computational Science and Engineering, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  10. September 2015: Workshop Co-Organizer, Third Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE), ACM/IEEE Supercomputing 2014, Co-located with 10th Gateway Community Environments (GCE15) Workshop, Boulder, CO, USA, Manish Parashar (Rutgers).

  11. August 2015: Program Co-Chair, 8th International Conference on Contemporary Computing, Noida, India, Manish Parashar (Rutgers).

  12. July 2015, Paper chair: ChinaVIs 2015, Tianjin, China, Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State)

  13. May 2015: High Performance Data Analysis and Visualization (HPDAV), an International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshop (IPDPS) 2015. Hyderabad, India. E. Wes Bethel (LBNL).

  14. May 2015: EuroVis 2015 Papers Chair, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis)

  15. May 2015: Vice Program Chair, Autonomic Computing and Cyberinfrastructure Track, 15PthP International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2015), Shenzhen, China, Manish Parashar (Rutgers).

  16. May 2015: Workshop Co-Organizer, ExtremeGreen 2015: Extreme Green & Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems, in conjunction with the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), Shenzhen, China, Manish Parashar (Rutgers).

  17. March 2015, SIAM Featured Mini-symposium organizer:   Big Data Analytics, SIAM CSE 2105, Salt Lake City, Utah, Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State)

  18. March 2015, SIAM Featured Panel: What is Data Science, Panelist, (Panel Organizer: Chris Johnson), SIAM CSE 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah, Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State)

  19. May 2015: High Performance Data Analysis and Visualization (HPDAV), an International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshop (IPDPS) 2015. Hyderabad, India. E. Wes Bethel (LBNL).

  20. March 2015: Conference Co-Chair, SIAM Computational Science and Engineering 2015 Conference, Salt Lake City, Chris Johnson (Utah)

  21. March 2015: Minisymposium Organizer: BIg Data Analytics, SIAM Computational Science and Engineering 2015, Han-Wei Shen (OSU)

  22. March 2015: Panel Panelist: What is Data Science? SIAM Computational Science and Engineering 2015, March 2015, Han-Wei Shen (OSU)

  23. February 2015: Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA) Conference (sponsor: IS&T/SPIE). Conference co-chair. San Francisco, CA, USA. E. Wes Bethel (LBNL).

  24. February 2015: DOE/ASCR Scientific Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization Program-wide Meeting. Walnut Creek, CA, USA. E. Wes Bethel (LBNL).

Invited Presentations

  1. October 2015: Color Mapping in VIS: Perspectives on Optimal Solutions, Panel in IEEE Vis 2015, Kenneth Moreland (SNL)

  2. October 2015: Introduction to Visualization, International Research Training Group 1331, Kaiserslautern University, Germany, given in Monterey, CA, Ken Joy (UC Davis).

  3. October 2015: Research Directions in Scientific Visualization, International Research Training Group, Kaiserslautern University, Germany, given in Monterey CA, Ken Joy, (UC Davis).

  4. October 2015: Sigma Xi Lecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  5. October 2015: invited presentation at the Workshop on Visualization for Decision Making under Uncertainty, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  6. October 2015: invited presentation at the Future in Review Conference 2015, Park City, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  7. September 2015: Topics in Data Visualization, Beijing Technology and Business University, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis)

  8. September 2015: New Techniques for Visualizing Large-Scale Scientific Data, CAEP-SCNS, China, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis)

  9. September 2015: “Exascale Visualization: Get Ready for a Whole New World,” International Computing for the Atmospheric Sciences Symposium (iCAS2015),

  10. Annecy, France, Hank Childs (LBNL/UO)

  11. September 2015: “Exascale Visualization: Get Ready For a Whole New World,” Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Hank Childs (LBNL/UO)

  12. September 2015: Fermi Lecture at Fermi Lab, Batavia, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  13. September 2015: invited presentation at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  14. September 2015: invited presentation at Monash University, Melbourne, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  15. September 2015: Data-Management for Staging-based In-situ Workflows. Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA, Manish Parashar (Rutgers).

  16. August 2015: Big Data Visualization, Qinghai University, China, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis)

  17. July 2015: Network Visualization, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis)

  18. July 2015: Storage Systems and Input/Output for Extreme Scale Science, High End Computing Interagency Working Group (HECIWG), Arlington, VA, Rob Ross (ANL).

  19. July 2015: DOE Storage Systems and Input/Output Workshops, ASCAC, Crystal City, VA, Rob Ross (ANL).

  20. July 2015: High Performance Visualization in the Many-Core Era, LANL Information Science and Technology Seminar Speaker Series, Kenneth Moreland (SNL)

  21. June-July 2015, Invited Guest Lecturer: Data Visualization, University of Melbourne School of Business, Melbourne Australia, Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State).

  22. July 2015: invited presentation at the ICERM Mathematics in Data Science Workshop, Providence, Chris Johnson (UUtah).

  23. June 2015: Performance and Extreme Parallelism in Visualization and HPC Computing, University of Leeds, School of Computing Colloquium, Leeds UK, Dave Pugmire (ORNL)

  24. May 2015, VTK Vanguard-r, DOE Computer Graphics Forum, Dave DeMarle (Kitware)

  25. May 2015, Catalyst Report, DOE Computer Graphics Forum, Utkarsh Ayachit (Kitware)

  26. May 2015: In Situ Visualization and Analytics on HPC Platforms, In BIS 2015, Inria@SiliconValley, Panel on Big Data Science: Data Analytics Meets High Performance Computing, Wes Bethel (LBNL).

  27. March 2015: Scalable Storage for Exascale and High End Data Analysis, NSA Federal Laboratory Symposium, College Park, MD, Rob Ross (ANL).

  28. March 2015: Scalable Storage for High End Computing: An Argonne View on Approach and Direction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rob Ross (ANL).

  29. March 2015: Scalable Storage and I/O, ECI Runtime Systems Workshop, Rockville, MD, Rob Ross (ANL).

  30. March 2015, ParaView/VTK and Python Tutorial, SIAM Conference 2015, Andy Bauer (Kitware)

  31. March 2015: Block-Based Analysis of Scientific Data, SIAM CSE'15, Salt Lake City, UT, Tom Peterka (ANL).

  32. March 2015: Large-Scale Visual Analysis, National Research Council Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Boulder, Chris Johnson (Utah)

  33. March 2015: Data Science and Computational Science and Engineering, SIAM Computational Science and Engineering 2015 Conference, Salt Lake City, Chris Johnson (Utah)

  34. March 2015: Creating a Software Ecosystem for Data Intensive Science, Supercomputing Frontiers, Scott Klasky (ORNL)

  35. March 2015: Big Data Challenges in Simulation-based Science, Supercomting Frontiers 2015, Singapore, Manish Parashar (Rutgers).

  36. March 2015: Coupling Big Data Analytics with Scientific Simulations using DataSpaces, Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute Open House, Rutgers University, Hoang Bui (Rutgers)

  37. March, 2015: IVL: Independent Vector Layer, invited talk at Kitware, Aaron Knoll (Utah)

  38. February 2015: Data-Parallel Halo Finding with Variable Linking Lengths, NVIDIA workshop on Accelerating Scientific Applications using GPUs, KASUT, Saudi Arabia, Valerio Pascucci (Utah)

  39. February 2015: Visual Summarization and Analysis of Big Biomedical Data, Clinical and Translational Science Center, UC Davis Health System, Kwan-Liu Ma (UCD)

  40. January 2015: Scaling Resiliency and Analysis Via Machine Learning, the International Workshop on Extreme Scale Scientific Computing, Barcelona, Spain, Alok Choudhary (Northwestern University)

  41. January 2015: Invited Lectures: 1. Volume Data Visualization, 2. Network Data Visualization, 3. Dynamic Network Data Visualization, International Winter School on Big Data, Tarragona, Spain, Kwan-Liu Ma (UCD)

  42. January 2015: Emerging Topics for Big Graph Visualization, Shonan Seminar on Big Graph Drawing, Kanagawa, Japan, Kwan-Liu Ma (UCD)

  43. January 2015: Accelerating Time to Insight in the Exascale Ecosystem Through the Optimization of Scientific Workflows, A White Paper for the 3rd Big Data Exascale Computing Workshop, James Ahrens (LANL).