Keynote and Plenary Presentations
- October 2012: Keynote - "VisIt: Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data," Third Annual Workshop on Large Scale Visualization, Kobe, Japan, Sponsored by Intelligent Light Systems Corp. and RIKEN, Hank Childs (LBNL)
- December 2012: ADIOS tutorial, Blue-light Supercomputing Center, China, Scott Klasky (ORNL)
- November 2012: Large Scale Visualization with ParaView, SC 2012, Kenneth Moreland (SNL), W. Alan Scott (SNL), Nathan Fabian (SNL), Utkarsh Ayachit (Kitware), Robert Maynard (Kitware)
- November 2012: In-Situ Visualization with Catalyst, SC 2012, Nathan Fabian (SNL), Andrew C. Bauer (Kitware), Norbert Podhorszki (ORNL), Ron A. Oldfield (SNL), Utkarsh Ayachit (Kitware)
- November 2012: Parallel I/O in Practice, SC 2012, Robert Latham (ANL), Robert Ross (ANL), Brent Welch (Panasas), Katie Antypas (LBNL)
- November 2012: tutorial at the 3rd International Workshop on Petascale Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities (PDAC-12), Ranga Raju Vatsavai (ORNL), Scott Klasky (ORNL), Manish Parashar (Rutgers U.)
- November 2012: VisIt tutorial (full day) at ACM/IEEE SuperComputing (SC12), Salt Lake City, UT, Hank Childs (LBNL)
- October, 2012: Computational Science and Big Data: Connections and Opportunities, Big Data Technology Summit, organized by Peter J. Tseronis, Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Department of Energy, October 9, 2012, Rob Ross (ANL)
- October 2012: ADIOS tutorial, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Scott Klasky (ORNL)
Conference and Workshop Chairs
- December 2012: General Co-Vice Chair, 19th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2012), Pune, India, December 2012, Manish Parashar (U. Rutgers)
Invited Presentations
- December 2012: "Big Data Challenges and Approaches in Energy Science Programs", Conference on Big Data (Analytics and Applications) for Defense, Intelligence and Homeland Security, Las Vegas, NV, Sponsoring association: American Institute of Engineers, Wes Bethel (LBNL)
- December 2012: Big Data Visualization, Electrical Engineering Department, Taipei Tech, Taipei, Taiwan, December 26, 2012, Kwan-Liu Ma (UCD)
- November 2012 "Exascale Visualization: Get Ready For a Whole New World," National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Seminar Series, Golden, CO, Hank Childs (LBNL)
- November 2012: "Extreme Scale Vector Field Visual Analytics", 2012 ACM Siggraph Asia Visualization Workshop, Singapore, Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State)
- November 2012: Big Data Visualization, Distinguished Lecture, Computer Science and Calit2, University of California at Irvine, November 16, 2012, Kwan-Liu Ma (UCD)
- November 2012: Addressing Data Challenges for Exascale Computing, Data BOF, Supercomputing 2012, SLC Ut, David Pugmire (ORNL)
- October 2012: "VisIt: Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data," VINAS (Visual Integration & Numerical Analysis Systems) Corporation Users Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Hank Childs (LBNL)
- October 2012: "Co-design for Next-Generation Extreme Scale Data Processing: A Movement Towards ADIOS-X", Co-Design workshop hosted by China, http://www.ncic.ac.cn/codesign, Beijing, Scott Klasky (ORNL)
- October 2012: "Managing the Data Flood in Scientific Domains", Co-Design workshop hosted by China, http://www.ncic.ac.cn/codesign, Beijing, Arie Shoshani (LBNL)
- October 2012: Advanced Concepts and Techniques for Extreme-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization, DOE Exascale Computing Conference, Washington DC, October 1-3, 2012, Kwan-Liu Ma (UCD)
- September 2012: "High Performance Parallel I/O: Software Stack as Babel fish" Building Community Codes for Effective Scientific Research on HPC Platforms workshop, Chicago, IL, September 6th and 7th, 2012, Rob Latham (ANL)