Kenneth Moreland, SNL
For this particular visualization the challenge is simply addressing the increasing scale of climate simulations and demonstrating the readiness of our capability visualization. The visualization helps identify and observe weather patterns that I expect are difficult to characterize. But I believe the main intention of the animation is for communication, which is important in the climate community.
Acknowledgements: Visualization Joseph Insley (Argonne) and Andy Bauer (Kitware); Model Setup and Integration Mark Taylor (Sandia)
Technical details
- 27 files, each ~34G containing 720 time steps (equivalent to one hour). Thus each file contained 30 days.
- Total over 2 years. Animation is abbreviated to 2 months.
- All 27 months of data were rendered, but it is ~12 minutes of animation. Released animation abbreviated.
- Rendering used pvbatch serial, farmed out on 81 nodes of Eureka to render everything in 8 wall clock hours (648 CPU hours).
- All movies available:
file: famip5_cam2_2004-07-30_01_960x540.mp4
Aug 5 - 10: A "katrina" like hurricane makes landfall, and another
hurricane travels along the eastern coast.
file: famip5_cam2_2005-08-24_01_960x540.mp4
Sept 2- Sept 10 (two typhoons interacting- that Warren showed)