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Eric Brugger (LLNL)


Laser back scatter modeling by Dr. Steve Langer at LLNL


  • Ability to view data using a client/server architecture
  • Ability to interactively set transfer function to bring out features of interest at key points in the simulation
  • Ability to quickly generate side-by-side animations of key physics quantities to understand time dependent behavior


  • Client/server architecture allows the user to view his data on his desktop without moving the data
  • Ability to interactively set transfer function allows scientist to quickly explore data
  • Automated movie generation makes it easy for the user to see time evolution of data with different views and transfer functions.


  • Extreme data size generated by high resolution simulation (220 billion cells)
  • Correlating multiple, complex, 3d phenomenon over time


A burst of back scatter energy traveling from left to right


The most common type of fusion reaction discussed for fusion energy in the near future is the fusion of two hydrogen isotopes: deuterium (2H) and tritium (3H).  NIF – national ignition facility.