Han-Wei Shen, OSU
- Climate modeling by Dr. Ruby Leung and Dr. Samson Hagos at PNNL
Simulation Goal: Understand MJO
- A complex cloud system in multiple scales over the Indian and Pacific oceans
- An important weather phenomenon related to the tropical intra-seasonal change
Requirement: Time-varying Feature Tracking
- Visualizing the movement of MJO-related quantities (eg. cloud population and precipitation)
- Understand how MJO is formed
- Understand how MJO is related to different physical quantities
- Feature identification to filter the major cloud movement of MJO
- Large data size generated by high resolution simulations
- Various temporal scales of MJO
- make traditional techniques that perform per time step analysis and visualization ineffective
- require global analysis over time other than local feature tracking
(Top): Cloud rendering on a virtual globe
Time-Varying Data Analysis with Time Activity Curves
- Robust global time-varying feature descriptors
- Model the time-varying feature based on the change of value over time at each location
- Visualize complex time-varying phenomena with detailed multivariate temporal trend analysis
- Flexible interface to allow scientists to interact with data at their desktop
- Replace tedious viewing of animations with more efficient visualization of spatio-temporal features in still images
- Assist in summarizing and verifying major temporal trends such as MJO in extreme scale data sets