Intelligent Performance Analysis
- Develop performance analysis techniques for online streaming data.
- Develop online anomaly detection and pattern searching techniques.
- Develop deep learning techniques for performance prediction.
Progress and Accomplishments
- Developed prediction methods for network data throughput and cluster job performance
- Machine leaning based model
- Statistical model - Best Predictive Generalized Linear Mixed Model with Predictive Lasso (IJSP5/2015 journal paper)
- Time series model (ICNC'15 conf. paper)
- Developed automated performance diagnostic method and failure detection method for cluster jobs
- Developed a data reduction method based on pattern searching - U.S. Patent pending serial no. 14/555,365.
- Developing in-situ feature detection methods
- Developing online job failure prediction methods
- Improve resource utilization and analysis workflow performance.
- Enable predictable data throughput over the network.
- Improve resilience of computing jobs
- Long-term capacity and traffic engineering planning of network infrastructures
- Enable dynamic data reduction based on in-situ feature detection