Sun Feb 28 23:56:41 PST 2016 Version 2.0.3 -- include a patch from Petr Velan to deal with include files related to util.h and pwd.h -- make interpretation of internally generated column names of the form __xx in src/part.cpp -- lock accesses to values in sharedInt32 and sharedInt64 when atomic operations are not available -- rename select clause keyword distinct to countdistinct -- address the problem with query evaluation cost reported by Petr Velan on 05/07/2015 -- add guards to called to strcmp to prevent nil pointer from being used -- allocate sufficient space before calling ibis::fileManger::doRead to avoid recursive invocation of mutex locks (i.e., avoid a deadlock situation) -- per suggestion from Jon Strabala, change all string read/write functions from unbuffered versions (read/write) to buffered versions (fread/fwrite) -- replace std::binder1st and std::binder2nd with std::bind1st and std::bind2nd -- rename ibis::util::cleanDatasets to be ibis::util::emptyCache Mon Mar 23 23:14:31 PDT 2015 Version 2.0.2 -- address thread safty issue with bitvector::do_cnt -- modify dictionary impelementation to allow users to specify arbitrary non-negative values (reserve -1 for NULL values) -- install header files in subdirectory fastbit (requiring #include instead of #include ) -- accept a patch from Chen HANG to improve the performance of reading a small number of string values in the query results -- add support for ibis::BIT as a data type -- accept a patch from Justin Swnhart to fix problem in tafel::writeData -- fix problem with bitvecotr::do_cnt zeroing out the incorrect data elements -- accept a patch from Divya Chandrasekar in sorting string values in colValues.cpp -- fix the problem of part::countPages returning 0 when all data are located on the same page Mon Dec 15 01:26:31 PST 2014 Version 2.0.1 -- fixing problem with html documentation -- clear the output when ibis.cpp encounters an error (suggested by Jon Strabala) -- add test cases to exercise the option of using external dictionary -- fixing problem with indexing a single value in iapi.cpp -- update the compilation instructions in INSTALL to reflect the requirement of C++11 features by FastBit Fri Nov 21 21:38:00 PST 2014 Version 2.0.0 -- remove the prefix 'ibis' from the version number based on a recommendation from -- accepted a patch from Sean McNamara to fix a problem with testing C++ versions -- add entry in runconfig to support -- accepted a patch from Zhongbo Tian on handling string-valued data -- zero out the memory allocated through ibis::array_t::reserve -- change the default binned index option to be 2-digit precision bins -- modify index generation code so that they will run without col object if possible -- correct a set of problems identified by Zhongbo Tian in getColumnAsTypes -- accepted a patch from Zhongbo Tian that fixes the order of bound check in ibis::mensa::cursor -- add iapi for operations on in-memory data with the help in design and debugging from Junmin Gu -- address thread-safety issue report by Dominique Prunier -- address data type recognition problem reported by Li Jun -- address index file locking problem reported by Petr Velan -- address pointer access problem reported by Jerome Soumagne -- add support for treating integers as time_t with extensive help from Jon Strabala, who suggested the idea, provided sample code for implementation, provided test cases, and helped with debugging -- Received a new license on the software Thu Mar 13 21:31:45 PDT 2014 Version ibis1.3.9 -- bug fix in ibis::bitvector -- update ibis::tafel::write and friends -- update quickstart.html to fix inconsistency reported by Neils Johnson -- add function addConditions to allow query conditions to be modified -- streamline the evaluation of discrete range conditions, adjust the scoring option to prefer sorted values -- use linear interpolation to accelerate binary searches -- replace auto_ptr with unique_ptr -- change ibis::dictionary to use hash map, and write the dictionary with a new version number -- merge the strings in a dictionary before writing the values to a file to accelerate the writing -- correctly detect select clause without aggregation operatioins as not separable as the inline documentation promised (a problem reported by Sean McNamara) Fri Oct 18 22:54:36 PDT 2013 Version ibis1.3.8 -- add macro FASTBIT_ESTIMATION_IGNORE_COST -- allow relative path to be used in specifying data directory -- rename function distinct to countd (meaning count distinct) -- updated configure script for ORNL machines -- add function EXISTS to test the presence of the named column -- fix a bad test in array_t::deepCopy based on a test case provided by Wang JiLong Sat Jun 15 14:55:28 PDT 2013 Version ibis1.3.7 -- add function fastbit_get_result_row_ids to C API and JNI -- add guard to deal with 0-length bit fills in bitwise logical operations per suggestion of Srikanth Sundarrajan -- add functions ibis::query::getCandiateVector and getCandidateRows per request of Nan Zhou -- address problem with logical OR operations in selection conditions (a problem reported by Steven Enns) -- address problems in handling text columns reported by Bailu Ding and Mark Hansen -- address problem with memory leaks based on the test case from Amihay Genon Wed Mar 27 08:44:25 PDT 2013 Version ibis1.3.6 -- update index building functions to work with in-memory data -- convert internal integer representation back to string in output -- add ibis::table::dropPartition as the opposite of addPartition Thu Jan 3 21:05:47 PST 2013 Version ibis1.3.5 -- in ardea.cpp, do not write the data if a data directory is not specified by the caller - this allows the all queries to be performed on in-memory data -- replace the use of /dev/random to /dev/urandom to avoid blocking, change the default option to initialize the random number generator to use the current time (to address a unexpected delay in starting up of FastBit code raised by Preeti Gupta) -- change the protected construction function of index classes ibis::bin and ibis::relic to be public functions to avoid the need of inheriting from them in client code -- Patrik Nisen fixed incorrect names in ibis::bord::cursor::fillRow -- change filter class to take previously saved query results at the request of Patrik Nisen Thu Nov 15 17:01:37 PST 2012 Version ibis1.3.4 -- change the templated constructor of qIntHod and qUIntHod to use fixed data types (to address a problem noticed by Andrew Olson) -- checking the member variable actual to avoid accessing a nil pointer in case of unmanaged array -- restructure index creation process to address a problem with indexing categorical values (reported by Gaurav Agrawal) -- streamline the use of sorted values (following a suggestion from Andrew Olson) -- update in-memory data partitions to better handle strings -- update macros and in-line comments to conform to more strict ANSI standard (a problem reported by Hari Krishnan) -- add ibis::bitvector::operator< to make it usable as keys in std::map -- fix problem with incorrect coordiantes in the output lines from ibis::meshQuery::getHitsAsLines Tue Oct 16 08:43:28 PDT 2012 Version ibis1.3.3 -- index direkts neglected to take into account of null mask (a problem reported by Michael Beauregard) -- consolidate the handling of deletion in array_t to function freeMemory, streamline the test of current size to address a problem with push_back reported by Petr Velan and Michael Beauregard -- use the null masks when constructing bundles (was assuming all values to be valid) -- allow dictionaries of meta tags to be merged like other type of categorical values, allow meta tags in tables to be reordered (other types of string-valued columns are still not allowed) -- allow column::getDoubles to convert all other numerical types to double. This was promised in the documentation, but actually missed the case for 8-byte integers (a problem reported by Gaurav Agarwal). -- update the testing on array bounds in ibis::bylt to address the new problems revealed after the modification to random number generators used in src/part.cpp Tue Sep 4 16:36:53 PDT 2012 Version ibis1.3.2 -- add group_concat as a new group-by opertors in the select clauses (requested by Michael Beauregard) -- modify handling of array_t in functions reserve, resize and push_back to allow a shallow copy to be used when the modification does not expand beyond the existing storage capacity (a feature necessary to support a more efficient way to combine serialized bitvectors in FastQuery code) -- more consistent handling of null masks in query processing and reordering of data partitions, modify the built-in test suite to exercise the null handling -- finalize the class ibis::slice after renaming the previous version to be ibis::skive, ibis::slice is now closer to the original definition of bit-sliced index Wed Aug 15 21:58:00 PDT 2012 Version ibis1.3.1 -- impelement ibis::util::read and ibis::util::write to get around the limitations with POSIX read and write functions in handling large buffers -- add UDT as a new data type for future expansion -- support for BLOB with ibis::opaque class -- process categorical values as integers in memory and on output, convert query conditions on categorical values to be integer comparisons -- add query expression with the operator "CONTAINS" to allow for a more consistent handling of keyword searches (also known as full-text search) -- reorganize -output option of ibis.cpp to add new flavors for -output-as-binary so that the resulting output can be used direct by FastBit (total three flavors: -output, -output-with-header, -output-as-binary) Mon Apr 2 20:07:36 PDT 2012 Version ibis1.3.0 -- adopt case-sensitive comparisons for strings in a dictionary at the suggestion of Dominique Prunier -- clean up left-over problems with using ibis::direkte in ibis::category -- Andrew Olson adds dumpJSON -- add function sort dictionaries and merge dictioaries -- enable array_t::deepCopy to copy an empty array (problem reported by Teryl Taylor) -- Complete the functions to allow string values to be used as sorting keys in group by operations -- replace most of the call to ibis::bitvector::cnt with ibis::bitvector::sloppyCount -- inprove the performance of ibis::category::patternSearch by using ibis::index::sumBins -- add more test case for exercise special characters in dictionary -- add support for "NOT NULL" in where clause -- distinguish explicitly quoted empty string and unquoted empty string in the CSV input files Sun Mar 11 22:58:38 PDT 2012 Version ibis1.2.9 -- faster string handling through internal use of integer representation (with contribution from Dominique Prunier and Alexandre Maurel) -- change the log message to use stderr/std::clog -- make sure the result from a join can be passed to another query (added test cases in ibis.cpp) -- add win/xMinGW.mak for cross compiling Windows binary on ubuntu (mostly from Dominique Prunier) -- change ibis::category to use a slender index class ibis::direkte instead of ibis::relic -- add option to perform pattern match on words in a dictionary (Dominique Prunier) and allow for case-sensitive operations to make use of the binary search algorithm Fri Jan 20 16:43:32 PST 2012 Version ibis1.2.8 -- change ibis::part::buildIndexes to rebuild indexes if the existing ones are out of date -- Dominique Prunier added function to interate over bundles, fixed initailization issues -- add option to force the index building procedure to invoke an extra round of compression calls -- complete the code that makes uses of .int files for categorical values -- change ibis::part::buildIndexes to build all auxiliary data files to avoid the need of write access to data files during query processing -- enable control of whether to sort RIDs when creating bundles, sorting RIDS could be as expensive sorting to create the bundles -- implement aggregation (group by) operations COUNT, COUNT-DISTINCT, MIN, and MAX for string values Mon Jan 9 18:04:47 PST 2012 Version ibis1.2.7 -- Tomas Rybka implemented algorithm to perform binary merge to reduce the number of copies made during the merging of partial results -- update configure script to better interact with older versions of make -- update lock handling in array_t::nosharing (suggested by Tomas Rybka) and in part::readRIDs (suggested by Dominique Prunier) Mon Dec 12 21:43:53 PST 2011 Version ibis1.2.6 -- clean up the functions to merge partial aggregation results with the help of Petr Velan -- clean up the code for compilation on MS Windows with Visual Studio and MinGW compiler Wed Dec 7 14:41:05 PST 2011 Version ibis1.2.5 -- accepted a patch from Jon Strabala (Quantum Systems Integrators) to support is_zero, is_nonzero, is_eql, is_gte, is_lte in the where clauses -- add function to support aggregations by parts -- rewrite aggregation expressions of AVG, VAR and STDDEV to use SUM and COUNT to allow them to be computed by parts -- support DESC and ASC for each column mentined in the order-by clauses as suggested by Jon Strabala -- accepted a patch from Robert Wong to allow query processing to continue in case of errors -- clean up the code to remove most warning messages from GCC and pgCC -- fix bugs in jNatural and jRange Fri May 13 16:47:06 PDT 2011 Version ibis1.2.4 -- overwrite output file with an empty file when there is no output at the request of Jon Strabla -- refactor ibis::index::create to allow for better control of I/O options -- refactor the constructor of ibis::keywords to make more consistent use of the internal parser for text -- enable the user to choose whether to use quiet NaN or maximum values as the default NULL values -- fix a problem with shallow copy constructors of ibis::array_t to address the problem with sorting functions (a problem reported by Alexandre Maurel) -- fix a problem with ordering of select clause reported by Jon Strabala -- add runconfig and bin/fastbit-config Wed Mar 30 13:14:35 PDT 2011 Version ibis1.2.3 -- clean up the implementation of low-precision binning option by refactoring ibis::bin::granule (in response to questioins raised by Jinoh Kim) -- reducing memory usage in handling selected values by allowing more shallow copying with ibis::array_t -- adjust the cost estimation of ibis::bin::estimateCost to take into account of anticipated candidate checking -- change ibis::bitvector::setBit to decompress the bitvector when attempting to change a bit in the middle of a compressed one (faster operation, but takes more memory) -- add util::refHolder to avoid copying objects in scope guards -- add more error handling statements to bundle.cpp -- add configure option --without-getpwuid to avoid invoking getpwuid on compute node linux machines -- update operations with meta tags of data partitions by improving the operations of category object with a single string value (to address problem reported by Andrew Olson) -- fix problem with ibis::fuzz::readCoarse that computes the incorrect number of elements for offset32/offset64 (to address a problem reported by Jon Strabala) -- expand java/ to traverse subdirectories and report processing time in each subdirectory Wed Dec 22 14:31:36 PST 2010 Version ibis1.2.2 -- add functions to output query lines from ibis::meshQuery and label the query lines, add test functions for crosschecking the two different sets of connected component labeling functions -- add functions to perform connected component labeling on the blocks produced by ibis::meshQuery::getHitsAsBlocks -- update the visual studio project files to remove unnecessary definitions to make them work better with newer visual studio versions -- add a rudimentary parser to extract keywords for keyword indexes as ibis::text::tokenizer class hierarchy -- allow embedded spaces in keywords of a keyword index to address a use case from Justo Ruiz Ferrer, add jrf.cpp in tests directory to replicate the test -- add function to update metadata information after modification of datasets by other processes (at request of Chavdar Kopoev) -- address file map issues on windows machines raised by Chavdar Kopoev -- clean up print issues raised by Anderson Chaves Wed Nov 3 18:21:35 PDT 2010 Version ibis1.2.1 -- address the locking issues reported by Andreas Streichardt -- update the code for Compute Node Linux (mostly related to the usage of getpwuid) -- add using clauses to address the complaints produced by PGI compilers -- remove references to commons logging objects to reduce the dependencies of Java interface (prompted by a test case from Anderson Chaves) -- add members to the colValues class hierarchy to handle shorter integers (to reduce the memory usage, prompted by a use case from Ben Williams) -- clean up the regression tests Fri Sep 17 13:35:06 PDT 2010 Version ibis1.2.0 -- reserve more space in the dictionary to avoid incrementing the dictionary sizes in small chunks -- fixing bitvector::operator- problem (by Peter Tardif) -- update the memory management in ibis::bundle to avoid clobbering other data structures (to address a problem reported by Andreas Streichardt) -- update the error handling in the select operation following the suggestion from Jan Steemann -- update makefiles for windows environment -- fix problems with JNI code (reported by -- fix problems with user specified log files (reported by Karen Schomburg) Thu Jul 15 20:20:18 PDT 2010 Version ibis1.1.9 -- fix JNI memory leak (Zhengbing Li and Xun Hu) -- add test cases for very small datasets -- implement a new dictionary format for categorical values -- add reordering functions to C API by Georgiy Zhytar -- add integer version number, make the constructors of storage use its arguments more consistently -- add a two-argument version of scope guard -- implement the range join class, add testing in tests/ -- wrap most of the raw pointers with std::auto_ptr -- add code to accept 64-bit integers with suffices LL and ULL (only on the right-hand side of a equality or a list of IN operator) -- add testing code for query the retrieves a larger number of rows or require a lot of intermediate memory (to address the memory leak issues required by Jan Krivanek) -- fix the ordering of columns returned by columnNames and columnTypes (a problem reported by Jan Steemann) Fri May 7 14:02:15 PDT 2010 Version ibis1.1.8 -- modify ibis::part::barrel to work with in-memory data partitions (to address a problem reported by Andreas Streichardt) -- update ibis::bord::column to work with string values -- refactor string search functions to accomodate queries on in-memory data -- add back ibis::part::mutexLock to provide support for HDF5_FastQuery (an issue raised by Prabhat) -- implement support for the limit clause with two arguments (suggested by Valeria Lorenzetti) -- fix problem with unrolled loops in string comparison functions spotted by Bernd Jaenichen -- added code from Bernd Jaenichen to test discrete range queries on in-memory data partitions -- consolidate the functions for evaluating discrete range queries Wed Apr 14 13:14:28 PDT 2010 Version ibis1.1.7 -- address the problem with trailing directory separator reported by Valeria Lorenzetti -- rename old join expression to deprecatedJoin -- add special case to handle constant expressions in the where clauses -- add parser for the from clauses -- add a skeleton of query class named ibis::quaere -- add checks to address reference counting problems reported by Zeid Derhally -- remove the verboseness level argument from ibis::init, add a new function named ibis::util::setVerboseLevel to address the problem with 'make check' -- correct the values returned by ibis::tabele::cursor (a patch by Andreas Streichardt) -- fix the bug related to 'count(*)' reported by Andreas Streichardt -- fix incorrect variable names in fileManager::getFile reported by Teryl Taylor -- add fastbit_get_qualified_strings in the C API at the request of Joze Nazario -- add util::readUInt to handle the test case suggested by Arian Baer -- expand the implementation of ibis::bord::column to make it fully compatible with ibis::column (to support queries on in-memory data partitions produced from another query, a feature suggested by both Arian Baer and Teryl Taylor) -- accept a patch from Shiran Pasternak to allow ant jobs to access the dynamic library Fri Jan 29 12:10:21 PST 2010 Version ibis1.1.6 -- minor changes to avoid some problems with PGI compilers -- allow the input of null values from csv files at the request of Andreas Streichardt -- remove the default space delimiters when reading CSV inputs to address an issue raised by Elaheh Pourabbas -- address an indexing building problem involving categorical values reported by Elaheh Pourabbas -- add tests/scripts/ to allow small variations in the histograms produced in the tests -- exclude the null values in the select clause in ibis::countQuery, ibis::query already does this, to address an issue raised by Andreas Streichardt -- add aggregation function median, update the implementation of counting distinct values to avoid copying data -- correct the handling of signs in front of numbers to correct an issue reported by Andreas Strechardt -- streamline the handling of constant expressions -- fix bugs in group-by operations reported by Valeria Lorenzetti -- fix a bug in the constructor of ibis::liga (reported by Joel Dolisy) -- clear the cache before performing the reordering function as the suggestion of Joel Dolisy Thu Dec 17 14:14:28 PST 2009 Version ibis1.1.5 -- fix compilation problem with gcc 4.4 (idirekte.cpp neglected to include typeinfo (reported by Luca Deri) -- change the test in array_t<>::nosharing to leave the content managed by the fileManager as read-only (to address an issue raised by Alexandre Maurel) -- update query parsing function in examples/ibis.cpp to correctly handle order by clauses (to address problem reported by Jan Hapke) -- change the associativities of unary operators from left to right to address the parser problem reported by Andrew Olson -- treat the quoted strings as string literal (and therefore remove the possibility of treating it as a column name) to fix a problem reported by Alexandre Maurel -- all string values to be used for group by operations -- add contrib directory to include the file fbmerge.cpp contributed by Luca Deri and Valeria Lorenzetti -- add tests and data contributed by Alexandre Maurel to check for the problem with parsing string valued query conditions -- add support for operator LIKE for comparing strings -- allow aggregation functions (in the select clauses) to appear before the group-by columns -- allow count(*) to be explicitly used in a select clause Tue Nov 10 14:17:41 PST 2009 Version ibis1.1.4 -- add code to switch bitmap offset between 4-byte and 8-byte integers. This allows the index files to grow beyond 2GB, but the number of rows in a data partition is still limited to 2 billion. -- apply patch from Jan Steemann to add new aggregation functions -- apply patch from Luca Deri to correct bundle computation -- fix functions segement in colValues.cpp after messing up the patch from Alexandre Maurel -- fixes bugs discovered during regression testing Thu Sep 10 15:56:08 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.1.3 -- add function ibis::tablex::readSQLDump to read sql dump files, update ibis::tablex::readCSV to output the extract data as it reads -- add column type ibis::BLOB (implementation as ibis::blob in category.h and category.cpp, a feature request by Matthias Vallentin) -- add ibis::util::guard class as an implementation of ScopeGuard (Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean, Generic: Change the Way You Write Exception-Safe Code -- Forever, ) -- incorporate a bug fix from Alexandre Maurel to address problems in function segment in ibis::colValues hierarchy (Alexandre's original fix was for ibis::colFloats only) -- add function ibis::table::select that works with a list of data partitions (to address a need raised by Andrew Olson) -- modify bitwise logical operations in bitvector.cpp to ensure the lower level functions only operation on bit vectors representing the same number of bits (to address a set of issues reported by David Reynolds) -- update ibis::util::coarsen to make output more robust (make 1e-14 and 10e-15 be represented by exactly the same binary representation) -- fix bug in idbak2.cpp line 998 that causes crashes Wed Aug 5 09:32:18 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.1.2 -- delay the reading of dictionary and index for categorical values to speed up the start up -- add ibis::colStrings to enable group by operations involve string valued sorting keys (a feature requested by Andrew Olson) -- query::doEvaluate, query::doScan, countQuery::doEvaluate and countQuery::doScan handle empty query conditions incorrectly (a bug reported by Jochen Schlosser) -- allow categorical values to be used as unsigned integers for histogram functions -- adaptive binning functions computed an internal scaling factor incorrectly and causes the bin number to be out of bounds (the cause of error reported by Andrew Olson) -- change ibis::bak2::grain to use three bitvectors to store whether the incoming value >, =, < than the target low-precision value. This allows for the binned index to resolve all possible range conditions involving low-precision query boundaries -- add support for "count(*)" in select clause, allow aliases to be used in the select clauses and in aggregation functions -- bug fixes: check for nil point in bundle.cpp, cast to char and unsigned char (which are interpreted as 8-bit integers) to int before printing, make sure the value of k in top-k and bottom-k are not 0 Mon Jul 6 15:32:26 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.1.1 -- put array_t in namespace ibis (requested by Matthias Vallentin) -- check the state of the partition before truncating the data files (to address a problem reported by Jochen Schlosser) -- in text::startPositioins test for the value fo currentDataDir() before using it in strcmp (to avoid a crash reported by Jochen Schlosser) -- in bitvector::subset, avoid accessing a void pointer (to address a crash reported by Jochen Schlosser) -- in constructor of ibis::bord::part (and ibis::mensa::doSelect) avoid allocating space to the same column name multiple times (to address a problem reported by Shane Adams) -- allow purgeInactive to work with string valued columns -- add ibis::liga to provide ibis::table API for arbitrary collection of ibis::part -- add code to address query boundaries out side of valid ranges of column values (a problem noted by Jochen Schlosser when using negative values with unsigned integer columns) Fri Jun 12 17:10:16 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.1.0 -- automate the line buffer management in function tafel::readCSV to address a problem reported by Nicolae Mihalache -- update ibis::tablex and ibis::tafel to work with a genomic application, make it easier to derive from and extend -- add column::appendValues and appendStrings to directly work with in-memory data (previous one has to prepare a data partition and then append it to another one) -- consistently assign the state of data partition in all constructors of ibis::part to address an issue raised by Jochen Schlosser -- fix issues in update column masks when repeated adding new data (reported by Jochen Schlosser) -- fix a memory leak (losing the value of activeDir) in the constructor ibis::part (reported by Jochen Schlosser) -- change tests to use sampled histograms in more cases in function ibis::index::mapValues (a temporary work-around for issues with very large std::map) -- use a mutex lock to protect the statements that access the value of ibis::column::idx in constructor of ibis::column::indexLock and in function ibis::loadIndex (to prevent use of ibis::column::idx while the index is being computed. In the previous implementation, there could be a long delay between when idx is given a valid memory address and the completion of the index construction, which can cause a partially constructed index to be used by another thread) -- update some log messages Tue May 12 10:07:42 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.0.9 -- refine all estimateCost functions (wrong cost estimates have led to a wrong choice for evaluation strategy, 1st reported by Prabhat and Allen Sanderson) -- Change template ibis::column::getRawData to a virtual function named ibis::column::getValuesArray to make it easier to override it by derived classes (to addresss a problem first reported by Allen Sanderson) -- use the library function nextafter inside incrDouble and decrDouble when available -- refine the code in templates ibis::part::doScan and ibis::part::doCount to reduce the amount of computations -- add macro WITHOUT_FASTBIT_CONFIG_H as the opposite of HAVE_CONFIG_H so that the user code does not need to define HAVE_CONFIG_H when configure script can be run (this change assumes the FastBit config.h file is present and removes the need for client code to define HAVE_CONFIG_H when including FastBit headers, a problem first encountered by Hank Childs) -- integrate part::testRangeOperators as part of selfTest to exercise all combinations of logical operators in a range expression -- clean up ibin.cpp, irange.cpp, imesa.cpp, icentre.cpp, ixambit.cpp, ixpack.cpp, ixpale.cpp, and ixzone.cpp to address errors identified through 'make full-check' Fri Apr 24 14:45:27 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.0.8 -- clean up implementation of ibis::tablex in ibis::tafel -- add support for all elementary data types to functions ibis::query::getQualifiedTTTs and ibis::part::selectTTTs -- use references (instead of pointer) when retrieving a single values through ibis::table::cursor -- clean up documentation about a number of functions -- update the detection rule on where to locate FlexLexer.h in configure script -- use explicit type casting in the print statements of examples/tcapi.c to avoid problem with print the wrong values (first saw on a Mac with gcc 4.0.1) Wed Apr 15 16:42:04 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.0.7 -- fix a bug in ibis::qExpr::simplfy that returns a deleted query expression (a bug reported by Hank Childs and Prabhat) -- rename the file for external Row IDentifiers from "rids" to "-rids" to prevent name collision -- change getRIDs to return implicit/internal RIDs if external RIDs are not provided (a feature requested by Jochen Schlosser) -- add functions to ibis::tablex interface: nRows, nColumns, capacity, and reserveSpace -- add macro FASTBIT_SYNC_WRITE to control whether or not to wait for write operations Tue Apr 7 21:44:08 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.0.6 -- implement functions to work with sorted data, add flags to indicate a data column is sorted (a feature requested by Prabhat and Oliver Ruebel) -- add functions to computed weighted histograms (a feature requested by Oliver Ruebel) -- add ibis::countQuery as a simplified version of ibis::query -- extend ibis.cpp to exercise the new functions -- clean up some of the printing functions -- update error handling functions -- correct a bug in ibis::fileManager::buffer that records the wrong size. This causes FastBit to mismanage memory. -- change the definition of ibis::util::counter to use macro HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC32 (to address a problem reported by Andrey Kolchanov) -- correct usage problems with olddesc in ibis::tafel::write Mon Mar 9 17:03:43 PDT 2009 Version ibis1.0.5 -- add FastBitStringReader, FastBitStringWriter and their assocaited unite test function contributed by Andrey Kolchanov -- add new test cases 'check-marksdb' to 'make check'. These tests make use of data and queries contributed by David B. Marks -- fix a bug in the computation of the starting positions in function ibis::text::startPositions (a problem reported by Andrey Kolchanov) -- sort incoming values using an array instead of std::set at the sugestion of Alesandro Capucci -- update configuration scripts -- add an option to specify the maximum number of rows to expect to ibis::tafel::readCSV to reduce the number of dynamic memory allocations (a suggestion from Norbert Heusser) -- add code to produce sorted list of values for any column with fixed-sized values -- make it possible to use aliases defined in select clause inside where clauses (to address a case raised by David Marks) Fri Feb 6 12:00:26 PST 2009 Version ibis1.0.4 -- add example program rara.cpp as a minimalistic client code -- refine the macros for controlling the use of 64-bit atomic operations on windows platforms -- add arguement to ibis::part::loadIndex to allow all bitmaps to be read into memory in one-shot -- change the semantics of fastbit_get_qualified_longs to return the starting positions of strings when it is called with the name of a string-valued column (to address a request from Andrey Kolchanov) -- split src/parth3d.cpp into three files (one for each function that requires massive number of instances of template function) and limit the number of template instances. The is to reduce the compilation time under gcc. The full slew of instances can still be generated if the macro FASTBIT_EXPAND_ALL_TYPES is defined. -- update the parser to accept functions with a single number as the argument (a bug reported by David Marks) -- add calls to free up memory after encountering failure to retrieve file content (to address a problem encountered by Alessandro Capucci) Tue Jan 20 21:14:57 PST 2009 Version ibis1.0.3 -- add ibis::text::selectLongs to return the starting positions of the string valued columns (to enable reading of strings for java based applications, a hack in response to Andrey Kolchanov's question) -- implement ibis::util::sharedInt32 and ibis::util::sharedInt64 using GCC's atomic operations and Visual Studio's atomic operations. This should improve the speed of operations and make reference counting and tracking of memory usage more reliable on multi-threaded applications -- add more test cases to ibis::part::selfTests to exercise query evluation function in multi-thread mode -- add another set of binning functions, get1DBins, get2DBins, and get3DBins that return std::vector. These functions will return null pointers for empty bins, which can reduce memory usage and execution time in cases there are many empty bins Mon Jan 5 12:32:07 PST 2009 Version ibis1.0.2 -- add another set of binning functions, get1DBins, get2DBins, and get3DBins, that take (begin, end, stride) to specify the bin boundaries instead choosing bin boundaries by the functions themselves. A feature requested by Oliver and Probhat. -- use the new version of binning functions to debug the existing versions -- reduce the memory usage of the two versions of ibis::util::intersect by explicitly compressing the results and copying the compressed ones -- make sure a bitvector has its own storage when it is being modified Thu Dec 18 10:47:05 PST 2008 Version ibis1.0.1 -- correct errors in two-level indexes that prevented them from actually generating the coarse level -- update README file in various directories -- update Makefiles for MinGW and Visual Studio -- add option -output-with-header as a variant of -output as requested by David Marks Tue Nov 25 18:27:56 PST 2008 Version ibis1.0.0 -- modify ibis.cpp to accommodate new output produced by arithmetic expressions in select clauses -- add warning messages as suggested by Niklas Bulitta -- address errors involving short integers (reported by Niklas) and other types of integer variables when creating unbinned (precise) bitmap indexes -- update test scripts to catch the errors discovered by Niklas Mon Nov 10 21:26:14 PST 2008 Version b0.9.9 -- add adaptive binning for 3D histograms -- add histogram functions that output bitvectors instead of counts -- add print3DDistribution to examples/ibis.cpp and a test case in check-ibis -- add function tableSelect to ibis.cpp to exercise querying through ibis::table select function (which accepts arithmetic expressions in the select clauses) Thu Oct 23 16:42:31 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.8 -- add arithmetic expression to the select clauses accepted by function ibis::table::select -- update java example (correct issues raised by Niklas Bulitta) -- rewrite the parser for query expressions to use the C++ options of bison and flex (predicate* changed to where*) -- add parsing code to handle arithmetic expression in select clauses -- reorganizes ibis::qExpr class hierarchy and move arithmetic expressions under namespace ibis::math -- address an error report by David Kantowitz about ibis::column::getString -- minor changes to print statement and code organizations Fri Sep 19 22:38:43 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.7 -- fix an error in mensa.cpp (involving the implementation of ibis::mensa::cursor) spotted by David Kantowitz. Fix two problems involving the same member variable elsewhere in the same file. -- change _USRDLL to CXX_USE_DLL in the project files to be consistent with conditional macros in source code. The DLL libraries can now be compiled and run correctly. -- update visual studio project files for visual studio 2008 -- increase the cap on the number of bins in adaptive2DBins to make sure Prabhat's tests run without surprises Thu Aug 21 09:58:44 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.6 -- implement new adaptive binning functions for computing histograms of 1D and 2D that avoids binary searches. The new functions are not only faster, but because they use more fine bins internally the output bins are closer to be equal-weight than before -- change the mensa::cursor class to read data one block at a time so that ardea.cpp can print a few row of a large table without running out of memory -- clean up the constructor of qDiscreteRange to eliminate duplicates correctly (an error reported by Prabhat) Thu Jul 31 10:04:21 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.5 -- adjust definition of exact-width integers in const.h to avoid potential conflict with VisIt (suggested by Gunther Weber) -- adjust scope of histogram in some constructors of two level indexes -- add option -x to thula.cpp to export content of tables -- add heap sort to sorting functions of array_t and ibis::util Fri Jun 6 15:24:18 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.4 -- add ibis::colValues::nosharing to address a seg fault when selecting all values in a partition (reported by Ross Bates) -- add utilidor.h, utilidor.cpp, join.h, joinin.h, and joinin.cpp to provide radix sorting and in-memory natural join (requested by Matthias Vallentin) -- fix bug in ibis::part::writeTDC related to column shape statement (reported by Xufei Qian) -- update testing code to match the change of option -j to -y for ibis.cpp (-j is now for join) Wed May 28 07:38:11 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.3 -- update the range-equality encoding (ibis::bylt and ibis::pack) and interval-equality encoding (ibis::fuge and ibis::fuzz) to use the new default values for the numbers of coarse bins based on the neutral space-time trade-off heuristics -- add option -f to examples/thula.cpp (requested by Jon Strabala) -- change ibis::util::userName to primarily use getpwuid (instead of getlogin) following the suggestion of Ross Bates Wed Apr 16 08:28:46 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.2 -- remove the statements that deletes index::str in the function clear of various derived classes, logical error, the file manager should call the actual delete -- remove the use of variable ibis::bitvector::run::nWords when it is not a fill -- correct typos in functions that perform computation on qDiscreteRanges, an error first reported by Ross Bates Wed Apr 9 07:28:24 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.1 -- fix bugs found under PathScale and PGI compilers (mostly from working with Prabhat) -- change starting positions file (.sp) to use int64_t explicitly instead of long, this eliminates the annoying problem of duplicate template instantiation of array_t -- add ibis::tablex::clearData to remove the current data of a tablex object (in response to a request by Matthias) Tue Apr 1 08:11:09 PDT 2008 Version b0.9.0 -- fix bugs involving start and end values of getxDDistribution, first observed by Prabhat -- change decisions regarding the option of using priority queue in ibis::index::sumBits to reduces it use, to fix a performance irregularity observed by Prabhat -- fix bug identified while computing histogram with very small number of distinct values -- clean up the printing statements in fileManager.cpp -- allow multiple print statements to examples/ibis.cpp Mon Mar 24 11:15:41 PDT 2008 Version b0.8.9 -- update column.cpp to include (from Matthias of ICSI) -- attempt to improve the speed of computing histograms by sorting input data -- add assignment of nrows in ibis::bin::construct that takes an array as input, a problem found by Prabhat -- correct html errors in indexSpec.html -- update decisions in column::selectValues to use the function read when it anticipate that a small number of seeks will be needed. This should improve the speed of reading a small number of records. -- add an optional argument to unconditional version of get2DDistribution to allow the caller to choose whether to use indexes or data (requested by Prabhat) -- update test cases 7 and 8 of check-ibis to make them more robust -- add ibis::util::timer class Sun Mar 16 23:21:42 PDT 2008 Version b0.8.8 -- fix bugs in ibis::bitvector::flip and ibis::bitvector64::flip, a problem encountered by Prabhat -- correct tests 7 and 8 of check-ibis in tests/ -- add test cases involving arithmetic expressions in tests/scripts/query-count.list and src/part.cpp (ibis::part::quickTest) -- fix bugs reported by Mark Sordo (about JNI) and Matthias VAllentin (about stdlib.h and PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER macro) Wed Mar 12 10:20:16 PDT 2008 Version b0.8.7 -- add try-catch blocks to various interval encoded indexes to free memory in case of exception -- add a new variant of get2DDistribution requested by Oliver and Prabhat -- add a new count function to remove the need to invoke the bitwise logical AND operations while computing histograms using indexes Sun Mar 9 07:52:50 PDT 2008 Version b0.8.6 -- add ibis::part::get1DDistribution and ibis::part::get2DDistribution that accept user specified number of bins (Requested by Oliver Ruebel and Prabhat) -- fix bugs in two-level indexes that cause dead-locks and wrong answers Tue Mar 4 08:43:42 PST 2008 Version b0.8.5 -- update doxygen documents to work around __declspec directives -- fix bug reported by Ross Bates regarding printing categorical values (key), add test cases to check for this error in 'make check' and 'make quick-check' -- fix bugs in histograming function ibis::part::count2DBins and count3DBins, update the related documentation (bugs reported by Prabhat) -- in reponse to a question from Devin McNamara, modified readCSV to allow arbitrary user-specified delimiters -- add a set of tests cases that works with very limited memory allowed for file manager (invoked through 'make full-check'; inspired by Jochen Schlosser). This has revealed a number of serious problems as follows: -- add ibis::column::softWriteLock to prevent deadlock during tight memory situations, -- add checks for nil pointer of idx before using it, -- add function in array_t to tell users that it is attached to a file or in-memory, this is needed so that ibis::bitvector::compress can avoid modifying the ones in files (modifying such bitvector causes segmentation faults) -- add destructors to ibis::bak::grain and ibis::bak2::grain. If the constructor of ibis::bak or ibis::bak2 fails, previous implementation of grain do not automatically release the bitvectors allocated -- replace function ibis::util::getBuffer with class ibis::util::buffer to ensure the memory allocated is always freed Wed Feb 20 11:26:11 PST 2008 Version b0.8.4 -- replace ibis::part::doCompare and friends with templated functions -- add checks for the values returned by lseek and other I/O functions to fix a segmentation fault observed by Jochen Schlosser of University of Hamburg -- fix bugs in histogramming functions found by Prabhat: unchecked pointers returned by selectInts and friends, uncheck empty arrays, swapped string arguments -- add test cases for checking the histogramming functions in directory tests -- add target check-all to the top-level makefile -- separate the index generation from their uses in tests (as part of check-all) to exercise the index reconstruction functions, fix bug revealed by this separation (ibis::fade and ibis::bin) Wed Feb 6 09:47:21 PST 2008 Version b0.8.3 -- fix a number of bugs reported by Jochen Schlosser of University of Hamburg: (1) seg fault due to minimum actually being negative even though the metadata indicate it is to be zero or positive, (2) when index ibis::direkte is used to answer a query, it erroneously casts negative integers numbers to unsigned values and produces incorrect answers -- fix performance a problem reported by Prabhat: a long list in the form of "A in (...)" is translated into a massive set of equality conditions joined with OR. Evaluate such a query condition as qDiscreteRange. -- fix bugs in assigning bin boundaries for log-scaled bin on integer values and low cardinality columns Wed Jan 16 12:37:24 PST 2008 Version b0.8.2 -- fix a number of bugs reported by Jochen Schlosser of University of Hamburg: ibis::column::evaluateRange calls ibis::part::doScan unnecessarily, a number of functions in ibis::fileManager::storage class does not check for nil pointers before using them, ibis::part has a number of funtions that neglected to free memory returned by ibis::column::dataFileName -- change exception handler to not remove index files unless the index files are really at fault -- add return values to query evaluation function so that a negative number will be returned if it fails for any reason, previous version neglects to return the error condition to the user Sun Dec 23 19:33:34 PST 2007 Version b0.8.1 -- add win/MinGW.mak for compiling code under MinGW/MSYS -- fix ibis::util::makeDir problem with execute bit in directory permission Tue Dec 11 15:36:04 PST 2007 Version b0.8.0 -- add DLLSPEC macro to invoke dllexport for building DLL on MS Windows -- update configuration script to better handle java stuff Wed Oct 24 17:18:51 PDT 2007 Version a0.7.9 -- add functions to C API to allow for input of data records to be managed by FastBit -- add functions to JNI interface for input of data records -- fix a bug in ibis::tafel::write that leaves tdesc nil Thu Oct 18 18:53:45 PDT 2007 Version a0.7.8 -- add Jave Native Interface for some querying functions and a test program -- fix errors found on an intel-base Mac -- fix errors in the ardea.cpp (when run without any arguments) -- removed -DDEBUG from configuration option --enable-debug Tue Oct 9 16:52:55 PDT 2007 Version a0.7.7 includes a couple of bug fixes and some minor clean up -- incorporates a bug fix from Matthias Vallentin to correct a wrong function call in ibis::part::reactivate (src/parti.cpp:1261) -- add test cases for ibis::part::reactivate in ibis.cpp and tests/ -- add checks for array_t::m_begin to ensure it is valid before use -- renamed all functions named dataTable() to partition() to match the name of the classes involved Sun Oct 7 17:21:16 PDT 2007 Version a0.7.6 introduces a new logging mechanism -- the new class ibis::util::logger is introduced to allow the error message to be redirected to a file. To specify the name for this file, use either the function ibis::util::getLofFile or specify logfile in a RC file. Mon Sep 17 17:09:48 PDT 2007 Version a0.7.5 introduces two new features. -- allow out-dated indexes to be used during query processing. Since the time needed to full update the indexes are typically longer than the time need to answer the queries using the raw data, this option improves the query response time for the queries that come right after the arrival of new rows. -- allow for rows to be marked as inactive in a data partition. These inactive rows may eventually be re-activated or permenantly purged from a data partition. Fri Jul 27 21:53:57 PDT 2007 -- First public release, version a0.7. *NOTE* Versions not mentioned here contain bug fixes only. A more detailed revision history is available in file ChangeLog in the source code distribution. The lastest version of source code is available at .