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Relational DataBase Schema Design


Multiple BestMan can access the DB at the backend to store, retrieve and server the requests. When an asynchronous request is called by the client, BestMan will store the requests and when it is available to process the requests, it retrieve and serve the requests and updates the Database if there is change of state.

Files are Directory paths are stored as hashvalues for efficient retrieval. General Purpose Hash Function --> Algorithms Library is used for that purpose.

Relational database H2 ( is used at the backend for speed and efficiency.

List of Tables

List of API's

Table: Directory

  • varchar(4000) hashValue //db internal column
  • int fileAttributesId (foreign key)
  • Table: Files

    Table: FileAttributes

    Table: FileAttributesSP

    Table: Request

    Table: Component

    Table: User

    Table: SpaceAssignment

    Table: BandwidthCommited

    Table: RequestLevelInputForGet

    Table: RequestLevelInputForPut

    Table: RequestLevelInputForCopy

    Table: RequestLevelInputForBringOnline

    Table: RequestLevelInputForChangeSpace

    Table: DirOption

    Table: RequestExecution

    Table: RequestLevelInputForLs

    Table: RequestLevelInputForReserveSpace

    Table: RequestLevelInputForUpdateSpace

    Basic API's

    DataTransfer API's

    Directory Related api's