People Publications Projects

SRM-SP-UPDATE: BeStMan SRM-Client Tools User's Guide



-authid <string>
  • Authorization ID to be used in SRM for the request
-conf <path>
  • Path to the configuration file.
  • Command line options will override the options from conf file
-connectiontimeout <int>
  • enforces http connection timeout in the given seconds.
  • Default=1800
  • Specifies debugging output
  • Default=false
-delegation <true¦false>
  • Force proxy delegation.
  • When not provided, srm client makes no delegation by default.
  • When -delegation is provided, it overrides the automatic handling and forces the user choice.
-gsize <int>
  • Specifies the desired guaranteed space size in bytes
  • Show the help message
-lifetime <int>
  • Specifies desired space lifetime in seconds
-log <path>
  • Specifies path to log file
  • Default=./srmclient-event-date-random.log
-proxyfile <path>
  • Path to user grid proxy
  • Suppress output in the console.
  • This option writes the output to the log file.
  • Default=false
-serviceurl <endpoint>
  • Full web service endpoint
  • Required when source url or target url does not contain web service endpoint information
-sethttptimeout <int>
  • set client-side http connection timeout in the given seconds.
  • Default=600
-size <int>
  • Specifies the desired total space size in bytes
-spacetoken <space_token>
  • Specifies target space token
-storageinfo <string>
  • extra storage access information
  • For BeStMan supporting MSS, a formatted input separated by comma is used with following keywords when necessary: for:<source ¶ target ¶ sourcetarget>,login:<string>,passwd:<string>,projectid:<string>,readpasswd:<string>,writepasswd<string>
-usercert <path>
  • Path to user grid certificate
-userkey <path>
  • Path to user grid certificate key



Update a space


See Also