BeStMan2 is a full implementation of SRM v2.2, developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for disk based storage systems and mass storage systems such as HPSS. End users may have their own personal BeStMan2 that manages and provides an SRM interface to their local disks or storage systems. It works on top of existing disk-based unix file system, and has been reported so far to work on file systems such as NFS, PVFS, AFS, GFS, GPFS, PNFS, HFS+, LustrE, Ibrix, and XrootdFS. It also works with any file transfer service, such as gsiftp, http, https and ftp, as supported file transfer protocols. It requires minimal administrative efforts on the deployment and maintenance. BeStMan2 also has a gateway mode by configuration that would provide a full SRM interface with small footprints on any existing file system without queuing or space management.
SRM v2.2 specification can be found here. BeStMan2 downloads and instructions can be found here.
Those unrecognized entries in the bestman2.rc configuration file would be ignored when running BeStMan2 server. So, having conf parameters for full management mode would not affect the server running on gateway mode.
Yes. Refer to sections 7.5-7.9 on BeStMan2 guide for sample commands.
Yes. Refer to sections 7.10-7.11 on BeStMan2 guide for sample commands.
Yes. It works with FTS with or without space token. glite-url-copy also works. contains the latest gzipped tar pkg for direct downloading and installation. VDT contains the BeStMan2 package, and pacman installation includes gridftp server. Sample pacman command is following: pacman -get Pacman BeStMan2 installation does not include EDG-mkgridmap, and you can install it separately: pacman -get OSG BeStMan2 VDT installation guide can be found here.
Key=clientDN Value=/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Arie Shoshani 12345 Key=localIDMapped Value=osgatlas004
% mkdir /etc/grid-security/vomsdir % touch /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/vdt_empty.pem
As long as there is enough space on the storage, BeStMan2 can handle as much as java allows. Currently it is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.
If your customized mass storage system has POSIX compliant file system, BeStMan2 as is would work on top of your MSS. If you have special clients for your MSS access, you can extend BeStMan MSS plugin library to support your customized MSS as custodial quality storage. For more info on how to extend the plugin library, send an email to
Because LBNL BeStMan SRM-Client tools are based on java, there is a java vm overhead. However, when one file is requested, it is somewhat optimized so that less memory (about 30MB) is used. It is still more than C-based SRM copy client such as lcg-cp, but considering modern computer hardware systems, this memory usage would be okay. Our work on the memory usage optimization will be done continuously.
LBNL BeStMan SRM-Client tools support multiple "-s' options so that users can provide multiple source urls.
Register your SRM endpoint here and follow the instructions. There would be daily testing and results would be posted on the web. or
If you have firewall, the gridftp port range should be properly set in VDT installation. In order to do so, you need to modify
Where low_port,high_port - controls all outbound globus connections for gridftp (e.g GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=40000,49150). This low_port,high_port must correspond to --globus-tcp-port-range of VDT configuration of BeStMan2 (or --with-globus-tcp-port-range and --with-globus-tcp-source-range from the BeStMan2 manual configuration). Also, make sure that two ports for BeStMan2 (--http-port and --https-port from the VDT configuration) are open.
Refer to Notes for Scalability.
If staticTokenList is used for space tokens in Gateway mode, [usedBytesCommand:External_command] and [totalBytesCommand:External_command] can be used to provide the size information from the external commands. For example:
Yes, for full management mode and for gateway mode. During the configuration, provide your customized gridftp server url --with-transfer-servers. E.g. --with-transfer-servers=gsiftp://mygsiftp.domain.tld:2812 You can confirm or modify by checking conf/bestman.rc for entry: supportedProtocolList=gsiftp://mygsiftp.domain.tld:2812
Yes, for full management mode and for gateway mode. During the configuration, provide your gridftp server urls --with-transfer-servers with semi-colon separated entries. Those gsiftp servers would be used in round-robin bases for TURLs. E.g.
--with-transfer-servers="gsiftp://gsiftp1.domain.tld;gsiftp://gsiftp2.domain.tld;gsiftp://gsiftp3.domain.tld"; You can confirm or modify by checking conf/bestman.rc for entry:
Yes, add root://-style URLs to supportedProtocolList, as well as matching entry in acceptProtocols. E.g.
acceptProtocols=root[/eos /eos]