Call for Papers: NDM
2013 (SC13 workshop) – Network-aware Data Management
The Network-aware Data Management
Workshop (NDM 2013) will be held in conjunction with the IEEE/ACM International
Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC
2013), in Denver, Colorado.
The format of
the workshop will consist of a keynote talk, invited talks, 30-min
presentations of peer-reviewed papers, and a panel discussion at the end. Accepted papers will be published in ACM
digital proceedings.
In addition to increasing data volumes, future scientific collaborations
require cooperative work at the extreme scale. As the number of
multidisciplinary teams and experimental facilities increase, data sharing and
resource coordination among distributed centers are becoming significant
challenges every passing year. In
the age of extraordinary advances in communication technologies, there is a
need for efficient use of the network infrastructure to address increasing data
requirements of today�s applications.
Traditional network and data management techniques are unlikely to scale
to meet the needs of future collaborative data-intensive systems. We require
novel data access mechanisms and intelligent network middleware to enable
future design principles of network-aware data management. This workshop will
seek contributions from academia, government, and industry to discuss emerging
trends and new technological developments in dynamic resource provisioning,
intelligent data-flow and resource coordination, end-to-end processing of data,
network-aware application design issues, and cutting-edge network performance
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
� High-performance network protocols
� Performance problems in networking
� Network support for data-intensive
� Network-aware data scheduling and
resource brokering
� Dynamic resource provisioning and
network virtualization
� Performance evaluation of
network-aware data management
� Tools and systems to support future
collaborative science
� Practical experiences and prototypes
for large-scale data streaming
� Requirements and Issues for Network
Quality of Service (QoS)
� Application pipelines and
network-aware toolkits for data distribution
� Data replication and re-configurable
data-access frameworks
� Network Fault Tolerant Data
Distribution for large scientific datasets
� Optimization and development of data
transfer protocols
� Scalable services for network-aware
� Data clouds, data scheduling, and
data placement
� Heterogeneous and distributed
resource management
� Performance evaluation of data
intensive networking applications
"Best Paper" would be awarded for outstanding contributing to the
field of network-aware data management.
Important Dates:
Aug 23, 2013
Submission due: Aug
30, 2013
of acceptance: Sept 23, 2013
version due: Oct 15, 2013
Nov 17, 2013
Workshop Web Site:
Workshop Organizers:
Balman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Surendra Byna, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
L. Tierney, Energy Sciences Network
Submission Guidelines:
Your paper
must be formatted according to the ACM Conference Proceedings. Please use the
templates provided at to
ensure that formatting will meet ACM specifications.
Reviewing of the papers will be done by the
program committee, assisted by external referees. The
decision of the program committee is final. Papers should be self-contained.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on correctness, technical strength,
originality, quality of presentation, relevance
to the workshop's scope and topics of interest.
Submitted papers must be original work, have not appeared in and is
not under consideration for another workshop, conference or a journal. Accepted
papers will be published in ACM digital proceedings.
should be no longer than ten (10) pages, including figures,
tables, and references. Submissions that violate any of these
restrictions will not be reviewed. The page limit will be enforced strictly.
least one author of an accepted paper must
attend and present the paper in the workshop.
workshop registration (including NDM 2013) is handled through the SC13 system.
Please visit for more
can register SC13 workshops independent of the SC13 program. Workshop only
registration is $200 ($100 for students). There is no deadline for workshop
only registration.
technical program attendees receive a reduced rate of $50 ($25 for
students). Early registration
deadline for the technical program is October 15th.