STAR2002 (2002) consists of 16 columns and 15857625 rows antiNucleus INT eventFile UINT eventNumber INT eventTime DOUBLE histFile UINT multiplicity INT NaboveLb INT NbelowLb INT NLb INT primaryTracks INT prodTime DOUBLE Pt FLOAT runNumber INT vertexX FLOAT vertexY FLOAT vertexZ FLOAT To convert the CSV data into binary format for FastBit, one may use ardea.cpp as follows (on one command line) PATH-TO-FASTBIT/examples/ardea -d star -m "antiNucleus:int, eventFile:int, eventNumber:int, eventTime:double, histFile:int, multiplicity:int, NaboveLb:int, NbelowLb:int, NLb:int, primaryTracks:int, prodTime:double, Pt:float, runNumber:int, vertexX:float, vertexY:float, vertexZ:float" -t star2002-1.csv