
Network Traffic Analysis With Query Driven Visualization -- SC 2005 HPC Analytics Results

Kurt Stockinger, Kesheng Wu, Scott Campbell, Stephen Lau, Mike Fisk, Eugene Gavrilov, Alex Kent, Christopher E. Davis, Rick Olinger, Rob Young, Jim Prewett, Paul Weber, Thomas P. Caudell, E.Wes Bethel, Steve Smith


Our analytics task is to identify, characterize, and visualize anomalous subsets of as large of a collection of network connection data as possible. We use a combination of HPC resources, advanced algorithms, and visualization techniques. To effectively and efficiently identify the salient portions of the data, we rely on a multistage workflow that includes data acquisition, summarization (feature extraction), novelty detection, and classification. Once these subsets of interest have been identified and automatically characterized, we use a stateof- the-art high-dimensional query system to extract this data for interactive visualization. Our approach is equally useful for other large-data analysis problems where it is more practical to identify interesting subsets of the data for visualization than it is to render all data elements. By reducing the size of the rendering workload, we enable highly interactive and useful visualizations.

full text of LBNL-58768 (PDF)

Appeared in Proceedings of Supercomputing 2005.
SC05 movie
Project summary
Interactive Analysis of Large Network Data Collections Using Query-Driven Visualization

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